W`hile installworld is being discussed, I wanted to get this out there:
Since rev 1.13 of usr.bin/make/arch.c, I've been seing a problem with
ELF archive libraries being rebuilt unnecessarily. I believe that
this problem can be traced to the RANLIBMAG string being set to "/".
The reason I care about this is that its causing perl's libsdbm.a to
get rebuilt during an installworld. This is causing installworlds to
fail for me from R/O /usr/obj partitions.
When make does its initial open of the library, Arch_LibOODate() calls
ArchStatMember with the member arg equal to RANLIBMAG (or "/"). This
in turn calls ArchStatMember() with member="/". This calls
ArchFindMember() with member="/". ArchFindMember() will then return
NULL because the strrchr() on line 809 of arch.c causes the pointer to
be advanced past the last "/" in the member path, which makes it NULL.
I have a hackish fix for this which just looks at the length of
RANLIBMAG & the length of member. If they are both 1 && are equal, it
fails to advance member past the trailing /. This allows the
RANLIBMAG string to be found & prevents an up-to-date lib from being
Index: usr.bin/make/arch.c
RCS file: /usr/project/ari_scratch2/freebsd-cvs/src/usr.bin/make/arch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -b -B -r1.14 arch.c
--- arch.c 1999/09/11 13:08:00 1.14
+++ arch.c 1999/09/21 13:25:39
@@ -807,7 +807,9 @@
* the comparisons easier...
cp = strrchr (member, '/');
- if (cp != (char *) NULL) {
+ if ((cp != (char *) NULL) &&
+ !((strlen(member) == 1) && (strlen(RANLIBMAG) == 1) &&
+ strncmp(member, RANLIBMAG, 1) == 0)){
member = cp + 1;
len = tlen = strlen (member);
Anybody interested in comitting this? I passed it by the person who
committed 1.13 of arch.c & was ignored. I don't know make well
enough to feel comfortable committing this myself.
Andrew Gallatin, Sr Systems Programmer http://www.cs.duke.edu/~gallatin
Duke University Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computer Science Phone: (919) 660-6590
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