Matthew N. Dodd wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Daniel M. Eischen wrote:
> > What's the unknown0? Shouldn't that be sio2? Do we need the logical
> > device ID?
> Yes. Try adding 0x8024b04e to sio.c
OK, I originally did that to no avail, but I didn't make the change to
the correct file (sys/isa/sio.c, not sys/dev/sio/sio.c)! So with the
following change:
Index: sio.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/sys/isa/sio.c,v
retrieving revision 1.268
diff -u -r1.268 sio.c
--- sio.c 1999/09/25 18:24:21 1.268
+++ sio.c 1999/10/02 21:54:33
@@ -568,6 +568,7 @@
{0x1005d041, "Generic IRDA-compatible device"}, /* PNP0510 */
{0x1105d041, "Generic IRDA-compatible device"}, /* PNP0511 */
{0x31307256, "USR3031"}, /* USR3031 */
+ {0x8024b04e, "SupraExpress 56i Sp V.90"},
the modem is detected as:
sio-1: irq maps: 0x801 0x821 0x801 0x801
sio3: <SupraExpress 56i Sp V.90> at port 0x3e8-0x3ef irq 5 on isa0
sio3: type 16550A
My BIOS places the modem at IRQ 11, but FreeBSD puts it at
IRQ 5. It's working fine at IRQ 5 so I am once again a happy
camper :-)
Dan Eischen
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