On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 01:29:40AM +1000, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
>Before attempting to build world, you must make and install a new
>kernel. The new kernel will contain new syscalls that are needed during
>build world. doscmd is currently not being build because it needs fixing
I'd like to voice my concerns with this change as well. The `normal'
upgrade procedure has always been to build and install a new world
before the new kernel. The only exception I'm aware of has been the
aout->elf transition (where a special build procedure was provided).
This commit seems to create the same upgrade hurdle as existed with
the conversion to ELF[1]. That conversion came with an extensive
description of how to upgrade the system, as well as clear CVS tags
delimiting it. This change has no tags and a single paragraph
warning us to install a new kernel before building world.
I can't configure or compile a -current kernel on a -stable system
(and I have no idea whether I can run a -current kernel with a -stable
world, but I suspect I can't). This makes it very difficult to
convert a -stable system to -current. Whilst -current is for people
who like battering their way around such hurdles, it's also the
testbed for 4.0-RELEASE, and we will need a tested and documented
upgrade procedure in place before then.
That said, I think that backing out the changes at this stage will
only make things worse. I would like to see a clear upgrade procedure
that will enable someone to cross this hurdle when their running
system can't build or run a current kernel.
[1] Actually, in many ways this change is worse. Recent 2.2 kernels
will happily execute many 3.x ELF programs as long as the shared
libraries are present. This change makes any program that uses
signals not backward compatible.
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