John Polstra wrote:
> I suspect it's caused by the trailing backslash in the "doscmd" line
> near the end:
>             strip
>     #       doscmd \
>     .endif

It doesn't give me any problems...

> Anyway, when the make buildworld failed, I tried to do a "cvs
> status" or some such thing, which caused amd to attempt to mount the
> repository from a different machine.  Wham, instant panic, and it
> trashed out one of my filesystems _thoroughly_ -- 1000 files and 10
> MB in lost+found. :-(


> Once I got things patched up again with a little chewing gum, I was
> able to get a core dump.  It overflowed the kernel stack with
> zillions of recursive calls to nfs_sigintr:
>     #37 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #38 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #39 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #40 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #41 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #42 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #43 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
>     #44 0xfffffc0000409404 in nfs_sigintr (nmp=0x0, rep=0x0, p=0x0)
>         at ../../nfs/nfs_socket.c:1504
> I haven't found the bottom of the stack yet (11000 frames and
> counting ...).  Let me know if you'd like some additional info.

Yes please. Looking at the code, it seems to me that nmp shouldn't be 0.
What I like to know is, if sendsig/sigreturn is somehow involved. A bad
stack can do all sorts of nasty things.

Marcel Moolenaar                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SCC Internetworking & Databases 
The FreeBSD project                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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