
I wrote:
>       ===> usr.sbin/lpr/filters.ru
>       ===> usr.sbin/lpr/filters.ru/koi2alt
>       make: don't know how to make koi2alt.c. Stop
>Apparently because...
>       ache        1999/09/22 19:54:45 PDT
>         Removed files:
>           usr.sbin/lpr/filters.ru koi2alt.c
>         Log:
>         moved to koi2alt
>...never made it here. What's the easiest way to get back in step? TIA

I now suspect that cvsup.uk.freebsd.org isn't up-to-date. Anyone know anything?

Bob Bishop              (0118) 977 4017  international code +44 118
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