Mike Smith wrote in list.freebsd-current:
 > > Can you give me a few hints on what would be necessary to get the old
 > > driver to work with the new PnP?
 > As has already been explained to you (you _do_ read these messages in 
 > their entirety, right?), the old driver has been obsoleted.  You need 
 > to take the functionality that you want from the old driver and 
 > implement it in the newpcm code.

I don't think that would be the right approach.  The
functionality of the awe0 driver should be kept separate and
not be integrated in the pcm0 driver.  (After all, the awe0
driver has nothing to do with PCM.)

 > Since the AWE64 is already reported to work just fine with the current 
 > generation sound code,

Uhm, it is?  I don't think so.  My AWE64 doesn't work either
with "newpnp", and I haven't seen a report from someone for
whom it works.  Except for the SB16-compatible PCM part of
the AWE64, of course, which does work (at least I can play
mp3 files).  But the actual AWE part does not work.  It did
with the old code.

 > this sounds just a little hysterical to me.  You 
 > seem to have a slightly more specialised requirement that's not yet 
 > being catered to that does require some more attention.

Seems like I'm in the same situation as Donald.  The "slightly
more specialized requirement" is to get the AWE part of an
AWE64 to work, which I think is the whole point of having an
AWE64.  (If I just wanted PCM playback, I'd buy a cheaper

I'm aware that -- instead of whining around -- I should start
adapting the old awe0 driver to newpnp.  Indeed I would give
this a try if there was some documentation of the newpnp frame-
work, but I haven't found any, and I don't have the time to
find out on my own (this might seem lazy, but I do not regard
C source code as "documentation").

Anyway.  Downgrading that particular machine went fast and
easy, and now everything works fine again.


Oliver Fromme, Leibnizstr. 18/61, 38678 Clausthal, Germany
(Info: finger userinfo:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

"In jedem Stück Kohle wartet ein Diamant auf seine Geburt"
                                         (Terry Pratchett)

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