[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in list.freebsd-current:
 > On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
 > > just curious, but what is the max setting that can be used to compile the
 > > kernel?
 > Works rather nicely here with
 > -O6 -mpentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -pipe -s -fexpensive-optimizations
 > -ffast-math

-ffast-math shouldn't have any effect, because the kernel does
not contain floating-point code.  -ffexp-opt is already included
in -O3 (which is the maximum -O value supported by the compiler),
so it is redundant, too.

The gcc optimizer is traditionally buggy.  I wouldn't trust a
system compiled with anything more than -O (especially on
production servers).  The higher optimization levels don't
provide much of a speed improvement anyway, sometimes they make
the code even slower.  YMMV.


Oliver Fromme, Leibnizstr. 18/61, 38678 Clausthal, Germany
(Info: finger userinfo:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

"In jedem Stück Kohle wartet ein Diamant auf seine Geburt"
                                         (Terry Pratchett)

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