I've been getting this too on 4.0-C, just rebuild last night, still there.
top displays:
CPU states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% system, 0.0% interrupt, 0.0%
AND loads > 2 make the machine very unresponsive, its like SMP was before
that pci_support.c patch a month or two ago.
- ----( Adam Strohl )------------------------------------------------ -
- UNIX Operations/Systems http://www.digitalspark.net -
- adams (at) digitalspark.net xxx.xxx.xxxx xxxxx -
- ----------------------------------------( DigitalSpark.NET )------- -
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> > :> I/O, and then closing it.
> > :
> > :4.0-CURRENT (SMP on an ASUS P2B-DS with two CPU's installed; BIOS revision
> > :1008.A, running `systat -vm 1' gives the normal display but without any
> > :numbers filled in, then switches over to an empty screen that says:
> > :...
> >
> > Whenever systat or top do weird things it probably means you
> > need to recompile libkvm.
> This is not a libkvm problem on my box, these are fresh make worlds
> on 3.3-RC as of 2 days ago. It only appears to occur when running SMP,
> and has been a problem in the past if you look at the cvs log for
> systat/vmstat.c. Search for the specific message given by this
> user in the log, you'll see it has come and gone at least once.
> I already sent one message out about this, in response to Jordans
> ``release tag going down''.
> --
> Rod Grimes - KD7CAX - (RWG25) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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