
        In addition to the vinum vs. DPT SmartRAID IV benchmarking that I 
had done, I've also started doing filesystem/OS-level benchmarking 
with a program called "postmark" that Network Appliance wrote to show 
off the performance of their NetApp Filers.

        See <> for the paper 
from NetApp that shows the performance of their filers against 
various other systems, and it also includes a link to the page where 
you can get the source code.  The source code compiled and is running 
just fine for me under FreeBSD 3.3-RC.  Not a single hitch.

        Their best results on an F630 with 1000 files and 50,000 
transactions were 253 transactions per second, 799.91 KBytes/sec 
read, and 817.89 KBytes/sec written.

        I just ran this same test on an old PPro 200Mhz system with 128MB 
of RAM and softupdates on a Western Digital Enterprise 4.5GB hard 
drive.  I got 282 transactions per second, 869.09 KBytes read per 
second, and 888.63 KBytes written per second!  This ancient machine 
with a single slow hard drive, but running FreeBSD 3.3-RC with 
softupdates beats their *expensive* NFS file server!!!

        I'm going to run this on some other machines, including the same 
machine and disk without softupdates, FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE on a 
dual-processor PIII @ 450Mhz without softupdates on both the single 
Western Digital boot disk and on the external DPT SmartRAID IV 
striped array of four IBM 10kRPM UltraStar 9LZX drives, a single 
processor Pentium III @ 450Mhz running Linux 2.9 on the internal hard 
drive and on the external DPT SmartRAID V controlled striped array of 
five Quantum Fireball 7200RPM 9GB drives (both mounted async and 
sync), and any other machines I can get my hands on.  I think this is 
going to be fun!

   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
|o| Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Belgacom Skynet NV/SA |o|
|o| Systems Architect, News & FTP Admin      Rue Col. Bourg, 124   |o|
|o| Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.11.11/12.49         B-1140 Brussels       |o|
|o|                     Belgium               |o|
  Unix is like a wigwam -- no Gates, no Windows, and an Apache inside.
   Unix is very user-friendly.  It's just picky who its friends are.

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