Matthew Thyer wrote in list.freebsd-current:
 > YES please fix this ridiculous inefficiency pointed out by Rod!

There's nothing broken, so there's nothing to fix (IMO).

 > The current method of cleaning the build tree is to chflags -R and
 > then rm -r which results in two full traversals of the entire /usr/obj
 > tree which takes MUCH longer than attempting an rm -r first followed by
 > a chflags -R and another rm -r.

Uhm, what are you talking about?  The Makefile does exactly

# The first command will fail on a handful of files that have their schg
# flags set.  But it greatly speeds up the next two commands.
        -rm -rf ${CHROOTDIR}
        -chflags -R noschg ${CHROOTDIR}/.
        -rm -rf ${CHROOTDIR}


Oliver Fromme, Leibnizstr. 18/61, 38678 Clausthal, Germany
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"In jedem Stück Kohle wartet ein Diamant auf seine Geburt"
                                         (Terry Pratchett)

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