Something that was working yesterday no longer works since I've made

Out of memory (Needed 8192 bytes)
python in free(): warning: junk pointer, too high to make sense.
Out of memory (Needed 8192 bytes)
python in free(): warning: junk pointer, too high to make sense.

I've rebuilt python and it's still occurring.

root@marty #limits
Resource limits (current):
  cputime          infinity secs
  filesize         infinity kb
  datasize           524288 kb
  stacksize           65536 kb
  coredumpsize     infinity kb
  memoryuse        infinity kb
  memorylocked     infinity kb
  maxprocesses         2067
  openfiles            4136

There's hardly any disk activity on the machine. There's plently of
swap remaining in any case, so I wouldn't expect it to be out of memory.

FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #2: Sat Sep 
 4 19:42:34 GMT 1999     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/export/src/sys/compile
/work.on  i386

Any hints?

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