Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Matthew Dillon 
had to walk into mine and say:

> :This is yet another problem that we have run into here.  If you check the
> :digest for -hackers it was reported awhile ago (mike smith even cc-ed it
> :to security since it may have been a kernel stack overflow) .  Anyway, the
> :problem is that IRIX defaults to 32K packets on TCP NFSv3 mounts, and
> :16K on UDP NFSv3 mounts.  I recommend using UDP and setting rsize=8192,
> :wsize=8192 in your amd maps (as we do now, no problems at all).
> :
> :--
> :David Cross                               | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> :Systems Administrator/Research Programmer | Web: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~crossd 
>    Ah ha!  Yes, 32K packets will certainly screw up NFS under FreeBSD.

Uh.... could you elaborate a little? No, strike that: could you elaborate
a *lot*. A whole lot.
>    We need to fix that panic to have it simply drop the packet, I guess.

No, we need to fix the code so it handles 32K "packets" (datagrams)


-Bill Paul            (212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Columbia University, New York City
 "It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad!" - Ren Hoek, "Space Madness"

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