:Hi there,
: I recently had a crash on my SMP system. Actually, I have had a
:number of crashes over the past six months, but have just recently had
:time to configure the system to get the crash dumps. Like a good
:citizen, I filed a problem report (kern/12127). I have now gotten
:another crash. I have attached the backtrace from the crash dump. If
:you refer to kern/12127, you will get all of the gory details about my
:setup.I would like to know two things. Should I file a separate
:problem report for this crash? Second, is there somewhere that I
:should upload the vmcores and the kernel.debug for the relevant
:developer to examine?
: -Reggie
How old is your -CURRENT source tree ? Fixes to the pipe code
have been made, though they are not 100% complete.
If your -CURRENT source tree is more then a few days old I recommend
updating it. A number of significant reliability fixes have gone in,
including fixes to the pipe code and fixes to certain atomic operations
that weren't atomic.
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