Please be sure that you are running with vm/swap_pager.c
at version 1.120 or later. In particular, you should have
two calls to the macro BUF_KERNPROC in that file. If you
are missing those two calls, you will get the panic. If
you do have those two calls in that code, then (and *only*
then) try the following patch to see if it helps. It is
making use of BUF_KERNPROC for cases in which it is not
intended, but if it gets around your current problem, then
gives a good indication of what to look for as a real fix.

        Kirk McKusick

Index: vm_pager.c
RCS file: /usr/ncvs/src/sys/vm/vm_pager.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -c -r1.51 vm_pager.c
*** vm_pager.c  1999/07/05 12:50:54     1.51
--- vm_pager.c  1999/07/20 06:33:59
*** 550,555 ****
--- 550,556 ----
        nbp->b_flags = B_CALL | (bp->b_flags & B_ORDERED) | flags;
        nbp->b_rcred = nbp->b_wcred = proc0.p_ucred;
        nbp->b_iodone = vm_pager_chain_iodone;
+       BUF_KERNPROC(nbp);

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