> > The problem springs, I think, from confusion between (Intellimouse) and
> > (!Intellimouse).  The box pretends to be an Intellimouse even when you
> > don't have one [or this is what seems to happen in my case], and so
> > FreeBSD detects that you have an Intellimouse.  However, then it all
> > goes wrong, and I don't really know why!
> > 
>My mouse is always detected as a MouseMan+.  Here is couple dmesg logs 
>from boots with and without monitor switch.

We have two separate issues here.

One is Logitech mouse support in the psm driver.  The psm driver had
been unable to handle some wheel mice models, including Logitech
M-S48, until recently.  It was fixed about a week ago both in -CURRENT
and -STABLE.  So, you should now be able to use your Logitech mouse,
detected as MouseMan+, without the flags 0x100.

The second is problems related to switch box products.

As Ian summarized beautifully, some "intelligent" switch box products
erroneously pretend the IntelliMouse is present even when it is not.
This leads to data protocol mismatch and you will see the mouse cursor
jumps around the screen and "psmintr: out of sync.." messages

The dumb mechanical switch box, like the one you are talking about,
may also cause problems.  When you switch between computers using this
type of switch box, the power to the mouse may be momentarily cut! and
the mouse will be reset. After reset, the settings the psm driver set
up for the mouse will be lost, and may lead to, again, the protocol
mismatch problem. After the reset, the mouse will behave as the generic
2/3 button PS/2 mouse.  If you don't switch between computers, I guess
you won't have a problem. (But, this defeats the reason why you want
to have the switch box in the first place!)

People often say "I don't have a problem with this mouse and the dumb
switch box in other OSes..."  This is true, if these OSes do not have
specific drivers for your mouse and are treating the mouse as the
generic PS/2 mouse without a wheel.  But, I suspect if you install
mouse drivers from wheel mouse vendors in W*ndows, you will notice the
problem when switching between computers.
(No, I don't have a switch box here.  I am just guessing :-)


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