This in current as of Saturday. The attached patch to
i386/i386/userconfig.c fixes the problem.:

Peter Holm | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  -[ Member of the BSD-Dk User Group / ] -

*** userconfig.c~       Sun Jun 27 18:39:23 1999
--- userconfig.c        Sun Jun 27 18:58:52 1999
*** 843,849 ****
      struct isa_device *id_p,*id_pn;
      struct isa_driver *isa_drv;
!     char *name = list->device->id_driver->name;
      while (list)
--- 843,849 ----
      struct isa_device *id_p,*id_pn;
      struct isa_driver *isa_drv;
!     char *name;
      while (list)
*** 859,864 ****
--- 859,865 ----
            {                                           /* look on the list for it */
                if (id_p->id_id == list->device->id_id) 
+                   name = list->device->id_driver->name;
                    id_pn = id_p->id_next;
                    isa_drv = id_p->id_driver;
                    if (isa_drv && isa_drv->name)
*** 878,883 ****
--- 879,885 ----
            if (!id_pn)                                 /* not already on the list */
+               name = list->device->id_driver->name;
                id_pn = malloc(sizeof(struct isa_device),M_DEVL,M_WAITOK);
                bcopy(list->device,id_pn,sizeof(struct isa_device));

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