A nice semi-solution to this problem of having to copy lines from
defaults/rc.conf would be a good curses-based rc.conf configuration tool.
It could read in a definition file (or this information could be embedded
into comments in defaults/rc.conf), present a list of configuration knobs
and their current values, give a description of each knob's implications,
and have some knowledge about the range of acceptable values (e.g.
boolean, int, string, list that expands a template into new config options
i.e. network_interfaces and ifconfig_???). Anyone up for the job? :-)
I was working on something like this for X11 a while back, that even
parsed out and re-wrote the old-style rc.conf with original comments and
formatting intact, but that project is currently on hold until I have
enough functionality in my new widgets library.
Brian Buchanan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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