Ah, yes, some of us were just discussing this in a small mailing list.
    Hopefully Kirk will pick up on it soon.  Ah well.. someone else gets to be
    the brunt of it for a change :-).  Kirk doesn't have an SMP box so he
    didn't see the bug.

    I have tentitively tracked the problem down to the apparent inability of
    lockmgr() locks to function from interrupts, even when used in a
    non-blocking manner, due to the simplelock's it uses internally.  The
    new buffer cache code Kirk committed switched from B_BUSY (manually
    implemented locks) to lockmgr() locks.  I think what is going on is
    that mainline code is getting a simplelock and then an interrupt is
    coming along and also trying to get the same lock, but I can't be sure
    because my DDB backtraces are somewhat munged.

    I was hoping someone would come up with a quick hack to solve the
    problem, but baring that I do have a big nasty patch on my site
    http://www.backplane.com/FreeBSD4/ which replaces the use of lockmgr()
    locks in the buffer cache code with the new SMP qlock's I began working
    on yesterday - but I wasn't intending on submitting it for commit for a
    while -- even the SMP guys haven't seen it yet!  This patch is currently
    only suitable for compiling a new i386 -CURRENT kernel, it will break 
    buildworld and it will also break alpha builds.  And it has not been 
    well tested yet... it is running a whole lot of brand new untested code
    and I'm amazed that it works as well as it does :-)

    If you do not want to get that involved, you can turn off SMP on the
    system and it should boot ok.   Also be sure to completely recompile
    your modules (/usr/src/sys/modules), and when cvs updating be sure
    to update /usr/src/contrib/sys as well as /usr/src/sys/ if you are
    using softupdates.  The size of struct buf has changed radically.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:I pressed reset, even break-to-debugger didn't work..
:To provoke it, do this once or twice:
:root:[3:21pm]/etc-104# passwd root
:Changing local password for root.
:New password:
:Retype new password:
:passwd: updating the database...
:Read from remote host beast: Operation timed out
:Connection to beast closed.
:I'll look into this more shortly...

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