VHPC'24<https://vhpc.org/>: August 26th-27th, Madrid, Spain, co-located with 
Euro-Par 2024. Papers due: May 6th.

The Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing 
(VHPC<https://vhpc.org>) aims to bring together researchers and industrial 
practitioners facing the challenges posed by virtualization in HPC/Cloud 
scenarios in order to foster discussion, collaboration, mutual exchange of 
knowledge and experience, enabling research to ultimately provide novel 
solutions for virtualized computing systems. The workshop features paper 
presentations, discussion sessions, and lightning talks. Accepted papers will 
be published in a Springer LNCS volume.

Focus Topics

This year, we are calling the timely topic of virtualization in support of 
high-memory LLM training workloads including, but not limited to:

  *   GPU hypervisor memory virtualization

  *   Flat CPU/GPU memory page tables/TLB

  *   Storage/filesystem to virtual memory mapped approaches

  *   Distributed memory virtualization

  *   Memory compression and reduction techniques

  *   Out-of-core training algorithms

  *   Memory-efficient allocation and data formats

  *   Benchmarking and profiling tools

  *   Real-world examples and applications of virtualization techniques in LLM 
training scenarios

In addition to the regular topic areas of HPC virtualization: 
design/architecture, management, performance management, modeling and 

  *   Container Platforms (Kubernetes, Docker, Nitro/Firecracker, …) and 
Unikernel Frameworks

  *   Composable Lightweight Application Components and Lambda / 
Function-as-a-Service Paradigms

  *   Latency Control, Warm/Cold-start issues and Data/Container Placement in 
Heterogeneous Environments

  *   Energy-efficiency and Service Orchestration in Virtualized Cloud & HPC 

The workshop will be composed of 20 min paper presentations, each followed by 
10 min discussion sessions, plus lightning talks that are limited to 5 minutes. 
Presentations may be accompanied by interactive demonstrations. For more 
information and detailed paper submission instructions, refer to the VHPC'24 

Important Dates (AoE)

  *   May 6th, 2024: Paper submission deadline (Springer LNCS)

  *   Jun 20th, 2024: Acceptance notification

  *   Jul 1st, 2024: Camera-ready version due

  *   Aug 26th-27th, 2024: Workshop Day

Workshop Chair

  *   Michael Alexander (chair), University of Vienna, Austria

  *   Anastassios Nanos (co-chair), Nubificus Ltd., UK

  *   Tommaso Cucinotta (co-chair), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

Publicity Chair

  *   Remo Andreoli, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

General Information

The workshop will be held in conjunction with the International European 
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 
2024)<https://2024.euro-par.org>, on Aug 26th-27th, 2024, in Madrid, Spain.

      The VHPC co-chairs

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