Peter Jeremy <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|www/chromium: Unable to     |www/chromium: Unable to use
                   |login to Google after       |FIDO U2F
                   |upgrade to 101.0.4951.54    |

--- Comment #13 from Peter Jeremy <> ---
I've tried disabling my Yubikey and using an alternative 2FA method and I can
login to Google successfully.  This is a regression because Chromium 99.x
allowed me to choose a 2FA method whereas Chromium 100.x doesn't bring up the
menu allowing me to choose an alternative.

I've tried attempting to add a security key via Chromium.  Working through, it
reaches a popup that just spins, with or without the key installed:

Add a security key
You’ll see instructions in your browser window for adding your key to your

I do regularly use a security key with Chrome (on Linux) but don't have any
non-FreeBSD systems that I can easily test Chromium on.

I've tried using my security key to login to Github using Chromium on FreeBSD
and it also fails in a similar way: It spins waiting for the security key.  I'm
not sure if this is a regression because I haven't tried it previously.

I've tried doing some ktrace'ing and Chromium isn't attempting to even look for
a security key in either case: In my case, the security key appears as
/dev/uhid1 but:
* in the github login case, there are no accesses to /dev.
* in the Google "add a key" case, only /dev/null and /dev/urandom are accessed.

* in both cases, there are a number of access attempts to
/sys/class/input/event* - which might make sense on Linux, but not FreeBSD.
* during a ktrace of Chromium starting, I did find an unsuccessful access
attempt to /dev/fido - despite the name, that's actually the interface to
watchdog(4).  I couldn't find the code that does that.

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