--- Comment #5 from Bob Prohaska <> ---
As usual, it's I who does not understand. Doing

bob@nemesis:/usr/ports/www/chromium % grep LTO_VARS_OFF= Makefile
LTO_VARS_OFF=           GN_ARGS+=use_thin_lto=false
bob@nemesis:/usr/ports/www/chromium % 

suggests that the patch applied correctly.

When I saw bsdtar running in a top window I thought poudriere
was repeating something akin to make extract, which would overwrite
the patched file. Perhaps not.
The logfile is up to
[ 68% 32910/47953]
The failure was reported in the mid-90% range, so it'll
be another day or two for results to emerge.

Thanks for your patience!

bob prohaska

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