Ed Maste <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from Ed Maste <> ---
The check in Makefile.inc1:

.if !defined(DB_FROM_SRC)
# Check for missing UIDs/GIDs.
CHECK_UIDS=     auditdistd
CHECK_GIDS=     audit
CHECK_UIDS+=    ntpd
CHECK_GIDS+=    ntpd
CHECK_UIDS+=    proxy
CHECK_GIDS+=    proxy authpf
CHECK_UIDS+=    smmsp
CHECK_GIDS+=    smmsp
CHECK_UIDS+=    unbound
CHECK_GIDS+=    unbound
_installcheck_world: __installcheck_UGID
__installcheck_UGID: .PHONY
.for uid in ${CHECK_UIDS}
        @if ! `id -u ${uid} >/dev/null 2>&1`; then \
                echo "ERROR: Required ${uid} user is missing, see
/usr/src/UPDATING."; \
                false; \
.for gid in ${CHECK_GIDS}
        @if ! `find / -prune -group ${gid} >/dev/null 2>&1`; then \
                echo "ERROR: Required ${gid} group is missing, see
/usr/src/UPDATING."; \
                false; \ 

These UIDs and GIDs are checked unconditionally right now, but we could easily
include them based on the associated options - e.g. with something like this

-CHECK_GIDS+=   proxy authpf
+CHECK_GIDS+=   proxy
+.if ${MK_AUTHPF} != no
+CHECK_GIDS+=   authpf

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