Alan Somers <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|New                         |Closed
         Resolution|---                         |Not Accepted

--- Comment #7 from Alan Somers <> ---
As discussed, there's no way for the kernel to know which fusefs file systems
are local and which remote.  Nor is there any way for FreeBSD's VFS to know
that certain mountpoints are local and certain remote, if they use the same
file system.  It's all-or-nothing.

We could reclassify all fusefs file systems as remote to solve the OP's
problem.  However, I think the original motivation for the distinction was
"local file systems are those I manage; remote ones are those that somebody
else manages".  By that standard, fusefs is a local file system, at least if
it's something like fusefs-ext2.

The OP's suggested workaround is a good one.  I'm going to close this issue as
"Not accepted", given that it's not a bug and it's not a feature request we can

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