Alexander Vereeken <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|[PATCH]I created DSD/DoP    |I created DSD/DoP support
                   |support patch and easy .dsf |patch and easy .dsf player
                   |player command for USB      |command for USB Audio
                   |Audio Interface, tested on  |Interface, tested on
                   |FreeBSD 13.1 (amd64), iFi   |FreeBSD 13.1 (amd64), iFi
                   |Uno and Audirect ATOM3 USB  |Uno and Audirect ATOM3 USB
                   |Type-C USB Audio Interface. |Type-C USB Audio Interface.
                 CC|                            |Alexander88207@protonmail.c
                   |                            |om
           Keywords|patch                       |

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