--- Comment #221 from Mark Millard <> ---
(In reply to George Mitchell from comment #220)

+0x274 == +628 (at 0xffffffff80bc0ab4)

1488                    if (strcmp(mod->name, name) == 0 &&
  0xffffffff80bc0aa8 <+616>:   mov    0x18(%rbx),%rdi
  0xffffffff80bc0aac <+620>:   mov    %r12,%rsi
  0xffffffff80bc0aaf <+623>:   call   0xffffffff80cf0100 <strcmp>
  0xffffffff80bc0ab4 <+628>:   test   %eax,%eax
  0xffffffff80bc0ab6 <+630>:   jne    0xffffffff80bc0aa0

I expect that kgdb would expose strcmp in the backtrace, as
it does a better job generally. (The original Fatal Trap
notice reported the address in strcmp as well.)

This suggests problems for the value in mp->md_cval (via modname)
as of the strcmp call (based on where the Fatal Trap was reported
to be at in strcmp).

Note the mod->name argument to strcmp .

Note that if mod-> could not be dereferenced, the failure would be
before strcmp was called. Thus it looks to be the ->name value
that strcmp ends up using that lead to the failure.

Same sort of thing as for comment #82 (but a separate in-line).

in strcmp it showed:

   0xffffffff80cf0110 <+16>:    movzbl (%rdi,%rcx,1),%eax

So if you ever get a chance to have it report the %rdi value
on an actual failure, the value may prove interesting.

Of course, none of this gets far enough to suggest why the
value of mod->name would be messed up.

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