--- Comment #10 from Mark Millard <> ---
(In reply to Mark Millard from comment #9)

Looking at the information that the armv7 context

. . .
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...               
Using DTB provided by EFI at 0x47edf000.
Kernel entry at 0xb2e00200...
Kernel args: (null)
undefined instruction
pc : [<b8dd34a4>]          lr : [<b8e3128c>]
reloc pc : [<44e3f4a4>]    lr : [<44e9d28c>]
sp : b9f6a328  ip : b69e1c00     fp : b9f6a368
r10: b9f6a374  r9 : 00000000     r8 : b8f1f11c
r7 : c0e03000  r6 : 00008000     r5 : b6981500  r4 : 00000000
r3 : 00000065  r2 : 00000076     r1 : b8f1b847  r0 : 00000000
Flags: nZCv  IRQs off  FIQs off  Mode SVC_32
Code: e08f0000 e1a0e00f ea01776e 00144492 (00146ddf) 
UEFI image [0xb8dd3000:0xb8f2632b] pc=0x4a4 '/efi\boot\bootarm.efi'
Resetting CPU ...

That Code sequence appears at:

Disassembly of section .text:

00000018 <efi_start>:
. . .
00000178 <bi_load>:
. . .
     4ac:       e08f0000        add     r0, pc, r0
     4b0:       e1a0e00f        mov     lr, pc
     4b4:       ea01776e        b       5e274 <getenv>
     4b8:       00144492        .word   0x00144492
. . .

It is also the only place in:


with that code sequence. Showing some more context,
including 0x4a4:

. . .
     484:       eb003ae5        bl      f020 <file_addmetadata>
     488:       e59f3058        ldr     r3, [pc, #88]   ; 4e8 <bi_load+0x370>
     48c:       e1a00005        mov     r0, r5
     490:       e3a0100c        mov     r1, #12
     494:       e3a02004        mov     r2, #4
     498:       e79f3003        ldr     r3, [pc, r3]
     49c:       eb003adf        bl      f020 <file_addmetadata>
     4a0:       e1a00005        mov     r0, r5
     4a4:       eb01fec5        bl      7ffc0 <geli_export_key_metadata>
     4a8:       e59f003c        ldr     r0, [pc, #60]   ; 4ec <bi_load+0x374>
     4ac:       e08f0000        add     r0, pc, r0
     4b0:       e1a0e00f        mov     lr, pc
     4b4:       ea01776e        b       5e274 <getenv>
     4b8:       00144492        .word   0x00144492
     4bc:       00146ddf        .word   0x00146ddf
     4c0:       00146dd2        .word   0x00146dd2
     4c4:       0014402f        .word   0x0014402f
     4c8:       0014fb74        .word   0x0014fb74
     4cc:       0014fad8        .word   0x0014fad8
     4d0:       00147610        .word   0x00147610
     4d4:       0014a23b        .word   0x0014a23b
     4d8:       0014a367        .word   0x0014a367
     4dc:       0014b6c4        .word   0x0014b6c4
     4e0:       00144892        .word   0x00144892
     4e4:       001428f8        .word   0x001428f8
     4e8:       0014f8e4        .word   0x0014f8e4
     4ec:       001483ab        .word   0x001483ab
     4f0:       00144c81        .word   0x00144c81
     4f4:       001484fc        .word   0x001484fc

000004f8 <efi_copy_init>:
. . .

The bl to bi_load is in:

0000a2b4 <elf32_arm_exec>:
    a2b4:       e92d4830        push    {r4, r5, fp, lr}
    a2b8:       e28db008        add     fp, sp, #8
    a2bc:       e24dd008        sub     sp, sp, #8
    a2c0:       e3a01002        mov     r1, #2
    a2c4:       e1a05000        mov     r5, r0
    a2c8:       eb00173d        bl      ffc4 <file_findmetadata>
    a2cc:       e3500000        cmp     r0, #0
    a2d0:       0a000016        beq     a330 <elf32_arm_exec+0x7c>
    a2d4:       e1a04000        mov     r4, r0
    a2d8:       eb013172        bl      568a8 <efi_time_fini>
    a2dc:       e5940024        ldr     r0, [r4, #36]   ; 0x24
    a2e0:       ebffd8b0        bl      5a8 <efi_translate>
    a2e4:       e1a04000        mov     r4, r0
    a2e8:       e59f006c        ldr     r0, [pc, #108]  ; a35c
    a2ec:       e1a01004        mov     r1, r4
    a2f0:       e08f0000        add     r0, pc, r0
    a2f4:       eb01527f        bl      5ecf8 <printf>
    a2f8:       e5951008        ldr     r1, [r5, #8]
    a2fc:       e59f005c        ldr     r0, [pc, #92]   ; a360
    a300:       e08f0000        add     r0, pc, r0
    a304:       eb01527b        bl      5ecf8 <printf>
    a308:       e5950008        ldr     r0, [r5, #8]
    a30c:       e28d1004        add     r1, sp, #4
    a310:       e1a0200d        mov     r2, sp
    a314:       e3a03001        mov     r3, #1
    a318:       ebffd796        bl      178 <bi_load>
    a31c:       e3500000        cmp     r0, #0
    a320:       0a000006        beq     a340 <elf32_arm_exec+0x8c>
    a324:       e1a05000        mov     r5, r0
    a328:       eb013132        bl      567f8 <efi_time_init>
    a32c:       ea000000        b       a334 <elf32_arm_exec+0x80>
    a330:       e3a0504f        mov     r5, #79 ; 0x4f
    a334:       e1a00005        mov     r0, r5
    a338:       e24bd008        sub     sp, fp, #8
    a33c:       e8bd8830        pop     {r4, r5, fp, pc}
    a340:       eb0011a5        bl      e9dc <dev_cleanup>
    a344:       e59d0004        ldr     r0, [sp, #4]
    a348:       e12fff34        blx     r4
    a34c:       e59f0010        ldr     r0, [pc, #16]   ; a364
    a350:       e08f0000        add     r0, pc, r0
    a354:       e1a0e00f        mov     lr, pc
    a358:       ea015251        b       5eca4 <panic>
    a35c:       0013f3bc        .word   0x0013f3bc
    a360:       0013b5f5        .word   0x0013b5f5
    a364:       00139826        .word   0x00139826

May be the above will prompt something about the problem.

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