Den 18-01-2019 kl. 11:53 skrev Polytropon:
On Fri, 18 Jan 2019 02:05:23 +0100, scootergrisen wrote:
Can someone help with this bug?:
I change to danish keyboard layout with kbdmap command in TTY.
Which exact command do you use?
Did you already think about using the equivalent /etc/rc.conf
setting? For example, I have
set, and german umlauts öäü ÖÄÜ and Eszett ß are being used
correctly. For you, setting "dk" should be fully sufficient.
Due to vt font problems (unreadable and tiny on a 21" screen),
I also have
allscreens_flags="-f gallant"
which sets a different font at the end of the boot sequence.
It's not much better than the default, still unreadable...
But æøåÆØÅ keys does not work correctly.
See end of message for exegesis of "work". ;-)
It might be that the characters æøåÆØÅ are not in the default font.
I want to try other fonts but i seems to be unable to change the font
with vidfont command.
First of all: Are you using vt as the console driver?
This should be the default on recent FreeBSD versions.
Verify that UTF-8 has been set. For comparison:
% echo $LC_ALL
Stangely, I also get this:
% echo $LANG
Sadly, I forgot about the precedence rules of $LANG and $LC_*.
For testing, you can experiment with the language settings in
your shell's initialization file. For the C shell, this is
~/.cshrc, and a logout - login cycle is a convenient way to
change settings.
In my opinion, you _should_ be fine with
setenv LANG dk-DK.UTF-8
but you can try
setenv LANG dk-DK.ISO8859-1
as well.
Furthermore, just verify that /etc/ttys contains "xterm" as the
terminal type for your virtual terminals; "cons25l1" which has
worked before has been deprecated as with vt, there is no text
mode anymore, all shiny graphics. :-)
I tried adding this in /boot/loader.conf:
But it still says this during boot:
VT: text 80x25
And it probably doesn't work. ;-)
I would like æøåÆØÅ characters to work in the TTY by default.
You need to pay attention to two things:
1. Are the keys accepted correctly?
2. Are the appropriate symbols printed?
Those are two different aspects of the same "work" thing. :-)
So even though aspect 1 might work correctly, i. e., when
you press å in an editor, the correct 2-byte sequence (due
to UTF-8 default!) will be written to the file, it could
happen that on the screen, you only see garbage, because
the å won't be displayed, and instead an "excuse" is printed
on the screen.
If you don't want to use X, try to use sc instead of vt.
In /boot/loader.conf, set
In this case, you can also avoid using UTF-8 if you want, and
instead use the regular western europe ISO-8859 character set,
where å and ø, just like ü and ß, only require 1 byte. :-)
Yes, I'm not a big fan of vt at the moment. :-)
So i tried different thinks now.
Remember i test i VirtualBox.
With kern.vty=sc i can get æøåÆØÅ to show correctly but only during
login where it says "Login:".
For some reason the terminal shows nothing after i log in when i try to
type æøåÆØÅ.
With kern.vty=vt i can type æøåÆ?Å (note the ? should have been Ø).
After login i can also type æøåÆ?Å (note the ? should have been Ø) at
the terminal.
But i cant seem to change the font with vidfont when using kern.vty=vt
to test if other fonts have Ø.
/etc/ttys says xterm for ttyv0-8
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