--- Comment #2 from A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman) <> ---
Here's what install(1)'s manual shows for -f:

"Specify the target's file flags; see chflags(1) for a list of possible flags
and their meanings."

I interpret the first part of this sentence as meaning that the target's file
flags will be set to whatever has been defined by -f, not that they will be
adjusted like what you'd get by using chflags(1).  If I'm interpreting this
incorrectly, then maybe this should be reworded to avoid confusion.

When I see chflags(1) for a list of possible flags, the manual shows me that
"flags are specified as an octal number or a comma separated list of keywords".
 I interpret this as meaning that install(1) should support either octal
numbers or keywords, but looking at /head/usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c, I see
support for keywords, and no support for octal numbers.

If the intention is to phase out usage of octal numbers, then maybe a better
solution would be to change install(1)'s manual entry for its -f option to
something like this:

"Specify the target's file flags; see the keywords section of chflags(1) for a
list of possible flags and their meanings.  Use -f '' to specify no flags for
the target."

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