Chris Hutchinson <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #4 from Chris Hutchinson <> ---
(In reply to eugen from comment #3)
> > Are there other warnings we should capture as well?
> None I am aware of.
> > I'd like to see mention of the exit status in the man page as well.
> Feel free to add :-) English is not my nativa language and I'm afraid of bad
> wording.

How does the following look?

gzip complains "trailing garbage ignored"

Some tar.gz files are padded with zeroes to ensure a size which is a
multiple of a certain block size. This occurs in particular when the
compressed tar file is on a device, such as a magnetic tape. When such
files are extracted with a command such as

    gunzip < file.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    gtar xvzf /dev/rmt/0

gunzip correctly decompresses the tar.gz file, then attempts to decompress
the rest of the input which consists of zeroes. Since those zeroes are not
in gzip format, gzip can complain, but ignores them. The tar extract command
still works correctly, since gzip has sent through the pipe all the data that
tar needs.

You can suppress this harmless warning using the -q option, as in:

    gunzip -q < file.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    GZIP=-q           gtar xvzf /dev/rmt/0         # for bash, ksh, sh ...
    (setenv GZIP -q;  gtar xvzf /dev/rmt/0)        # for csh, tcsh, ...

I simply used information already available on gzip's web site, and
modified it slightly.

Hope it helps!


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