Christian Media Communiqué GOG AND MAGOG - Part VI The War Against A People Dwelling In Safety In the present multipart Gog and Magog study, we’ve shown how the collective powers of evil, herein identified as following an infernal personality named Gog, are spiritual entities. Largely based on multiple references to the Spiritual Israelites, repeatedly characterized as those the LORD has assembled out of “all countries” (Ezekiel 36:24), the finale of the heavenly war is launched against this body of people which “dwell safely” after they are “brought forth out of the nations” (Ezekiel 38:8). The False Prophets of the “Church” are unwittingly causing the multitude (those who “dwell on the earth” in Revelation 13) to follow the first beast, the flesh and blood people and nation of “Israel” (the Antichrist of the same chapter in Revelation). This prophetic blunder is facilitated by a complete lack of discernment of the true nature of the Kingdom of God (I Corinthians 2:14) and, in seeking to defend their position, they feel compelled to come up with fanciful explanations of how “all of them” (supposedly the modern Israelis) may be said to be dwelling “safely” (Ezekiel 38:8) when “Gog” comes against them. A fascinating contrast exists, wherein media-centric political programmers are deftly publicizing the turmoil in the Middle East – as preparatory social conditioning, in order to indoctrinate the world so the “scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem” (Isaiah 28:14) can justify Israel’s forthcoming larger scale military actions (Luke 16:15). This is occurring at the very same time the false prophets are telling us the Gog war is coming, and the contemporary state of Israel is the target. Few stop to recognize this tremendous disconnect, as the “Christians” support a twisted rendition of the Scriptures, which plainly tells us the “Israel” in the text is dwelling in safety, even as Tel Aviv is beaming images of rockets falling on the civilian populace. Truly, the LORD knows how to “reserve the unjust to the day of judgment” (II Peter 2:9), even as He has promised He will “choose their delusions” (Isaiah 66:4). This juxtaposition between the shadow and the substance (Colossians 2:17) is ironic on multiple levels, for the Gog and Magog prophecies repeatedly describe aspects of the conflict which only make sense when viewed from the eternal mind of Christ. For instance, the Jewish Supremacists tell us the supposed earthly military commander identified as Gog will attack the physical land of Israel, even though the text tells us the “Israel” in view is completely non-militarized: “And [Gog] shall say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates” (Ezekiel 38:11). The same false prophets who blindly identify the nation headquartered in Jerusalem as consisting of villages with no bars, gates, or walls, simply ignore the fact the Jewish state recently undertook to build a massive wall to protect their citizens from the relentless terrorist strikes emanating from their Moslem enemies. In a recent article describing the construction of this massive great wall, the headline screamed the following: “Walls Being Built On All Sides Of Fortess Israel” ( In various sections of the wall, there are armed guard towers with an intimidating military presence. The 700 kilometer wall is now in its 12th year, and it cuts deeply into the West Bank, where Palestinians are confronted with a 26 foot high barrier on a daily basic – hardly an inconsequential edifice. Meanwhile, on their Southern front, when the so called “Arab Spring” brought huge discord to their Egyptian neighbor, Israel felt compelled to construct a 142 mile long security fence to block Egyptian radicals’ efforts in smuggling weapons in through the Sinai. This sharp contrast between the Scriptures and the physical reality in “Fortress Israel” has led certain false prophets from the misnamed Christian Identity camp to assert the lack of border controls in the USA indicates we are the people to be invaded by Gog. Claiming America is the modern land where the descendants of the “lost tribes” migrated, several prominent groups (such as the Mormons, Shepherd’s Chapel, and numerous splinter groups descended from the Worldwide Church of God) continue to propagate the “other gospel” that asserts the Europeans and North Americans are the racial descendants of the scattered Northern tribes of Old Testament Israel. The current immigration disaster related to America’s insecure borders with Mexico notwithstanding, the USA sustains formidable defensive borders in the air and the sea, where sophisticated military controlled electronic systems maintain the modern equivalent of bars, gates, and walls. Thus, the “lost tribe” crowd is making the same mistake as the Israel Firsters who apply these prophecies to physical Jewry in a literal fashion, when the Holy Bible makes it abundantly clear the “Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16) consists of a supernaturally constructed body in Jesus Christ: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people…which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God” (I Peter 2:8, 9). The fact the Gog and Magog prophecies repeatedly characterize the Israel which is assaulted by “Gog” as dwelling in safety is a tremendous clue, but the “False Prophet” of the Rapture Cult (Revelation 13:11), feeds the multitude to the “Antichrist” – which is the death embodied in the idea that flesh and blood will inherit the kingdom of God – as long as that flesh is “chosen” because it’s Jewish. Because the Rapture Cult is subject to the strong delusion sent by the LORD to all who don’t love the truth (II Thessalonians 2:10), they continue to cling to their racist gospel, recently putting forth the idea the Israeli state will be dwelling safely, after an intermediate war which will supposedly convince the Jews they no longer need their “bars” and “gates,” nor the massive wall which has transformed the Jewish state into a partitioned prison. Several cult theorists, notably false prophet Bill Salus, author of Isralestine: The Ancient Blueprints Of The Future Middle East, are effectively promoting the idea Psalm 83 describes a war which precedes the Gog and Magog disaster; and in this war, Israel will “grab some territory,” which will allow the small state to dwell securely, thus providing yet another lie for the Jewish Supremacists to utilize as they insist the Jews are the Israel of God in Ezekiel 38. The truth is, the “unwalled villages” where the LORD’s born again people have prospered, as they “have gotten cattle and goods” (Ezekiel 38: 12) are allegorically referred to as “all my mountains” by the LORD in these passages. This mystical perspective concerning how the LORD’s wrath falls upon these devilish powers which seek to destroy the LORD’s chosen people – Spiritual Israel – also helps to explain just how “every wall” can fall because of God’s great anger, when the LORD’s wrath explodes upon Gog and his confederates: “…and all the men that are on the face of the earth shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground” (Ezekiel 38:20). The missing ingredient in understanding the truth about these texts, and many others, is the priceless component known as discernment. Further, the fact that an enormous portion of the body of Christ does not accurately perceive such things, carries ominous implications. “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (I Corinthians 2:14). Indeed, the fact that vast numbers of believers are convinced the flesh and blood state named Israel is the focal point of the LORD’s prophetic program tells us the Antichrist has already risen to power, and we are all moving through the metaphoric “valley of decision” at this very hour. -- James Lloyd Next: How The Spiritual Israelites Live In “Unwalled Villages,” Relying Upon The LORD, Who Is “A Tower And A Fortress” (Jeremiah 6:27) For His People ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Dear Christian Friend, This prophecy article was sent to you by one of our volunteers – a person who believes the LORD is doing a very special work at the ministry which produces this writing. People need to receive this information, but the resistance is fierce in these end times. The Communique is but a part of the Christian Media ministry. 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