>Number:         184122
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       [run] r257955 breaks if_run
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Nov 20 18:40:03 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Mikael Urankar
>Release:        current
FreeBSD acheron.homeunix.org 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #1 r258178M: Sat 
Nov 16 10:12:23 CET 2013     
m...@acheron.homeunix.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ACHERON  amd64
since r257955 my run device is unable to scan
the network, associate to an AP etc.

I've also tried with the following revision of if_run.c, if_runreg.h, 
if_runvar.h but the problem is still there. (258082, 258083, 257955)

The attached patch fixes the problem for my card.

Details of my card :
run0: <1.0> on usbus3
run0: MAC/BBP RT2872 (rev 0x0202), RF RT2750 (MIMO 1T2R), address 
run0: firmware RT2870 ver. 0.33 loaded



Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: if_runreg.h
--- if_runreg.h (révision 257955)
+++ if_runreg.h (copie de travail)
@@ -1052,67 +1052,60 @@
  * Default settings for RF registers; values derived from the reference driver.
-#define RT2860_RF2850                                                  \
-       {   1, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0786, 0x9816b455, 0x9800510b },        \
-       {   2, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0786, 0x98168a55, 0x9800519f },        \
-       {   3, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c078a, 0x98168a55, 0x9800518b },        \
-       {   4, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c078a, 0x98168a55, 0x9800519f },        \
-       {   5, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c078e, 0x98168a55, 0x9800518b },        \
-       {   6, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c078e, 0x98168a55, 0x9800519f },        \
-       {   7, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0792, 0x98168a55, 0x9800518b },        \
-       {   8, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0792, 0x98168a55, 0x9800519f },        \
-       {   9, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0796, 0x98168a55, 0x9800518b },        \
-       {  10, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0796, 0x98168a55, 0x9800519f },        \
-       {  11, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c079a, 0x98168a55, 0x9800518b },        \
-       {  12, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c079a, 0x98168a55, 0x9800519f },        \
-       {  13, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c079e, 0x98168a55, 0x9800518b },        \
-       {  14, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c07a2, 0x98168a55, 0x98005193 },        \
-       {  36, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c099a, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       {  38, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c099e, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       {  40, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0682, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed183 },        \
-       {  44, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0682, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       {  46, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0686, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed18b },        \
-       {  48, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0686, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed19b },        \
-       {  52, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c068a, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       {  54, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c068a, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       {  56, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c068e, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed18b },        \
-       {  60, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0692, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed183 },        \
-       {  62, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0692, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       {  64, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c0692, 0x98158a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       { 100, 0x98402ec8, 0x984c06b2, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed783 },        \
-       { 102, 0x98402ec8, 0x985c06b2, 0x98578a55, 0x980ed793 },        \
-       { 104, 0x98402ec8, 0x985c06b2, 0x98578a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       { 108, 0x98402ecc, 0x985c0a32, 0x98578a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       { 110, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0a36, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed183 },        \
-       { 112, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0a36, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed19b },        \
-       { 116, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0a3a, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       { 118, 0x98402ecc, 0x984c0a3e, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       { 120, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0382, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed183 },        \
-       { 124, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0382, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       { 126, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0382, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed15b },        \
-       { 128, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0382, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed1a3 },        \
-       { 132, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0386, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed18b },        \
-       { 134, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0386, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed193 },        \
-       { 136, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0386, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed19b },        \
-       { 140, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c038a, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed183 },        \
-       { 149, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c038a, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed1a7 },        \
-       { 151, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c038e, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed187 },        \
-       { 153, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c038e, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed18f },        \
-       { 157, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c038e, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed19f },        \
-       { 159, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c038e, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed1a7 },        \
-       { 161, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0392, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed187 },        \
-       { 165, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c0392, 0x98178a55, 0x980ed197 },        \
-       { 167, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c03d2, 0x98179855, 0x9815531f },        \
-       { 169, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c03d2, 0x98179855, 0x98155327 },        \
-       { 171, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c03d6, 0x98179855, 0x98155307 },        \
-       { 173, 0x98402ec4, 0x984c03d6, 0x98179855, 0x9815530f },        \
-       { 184, 0x95002ccc, 0x9500491e, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a0b },        \
-       { 188, 0x95002ccc, 0x95004922, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a13 },        \
-       { 192, 0x95002ccc, 0x95004926, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a1b },        \
-       { 196, 0x95002ccc, 0x9500492a, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a23 },        \
-       { 208, 0x95002ccc, 0x9500493a, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a13 },        \
-       { 212, 0x95002ccc, 0x9500493e, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a1b },        \
-       { 216, 0x95002ccc, 0x95004982, 0x9509be55, 0x950c0a23 }
+#define RT2860_RF2850                                          \
+       {   1, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e1, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {   2, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e1, 0x05a014, 0x001407 },        \
+       {   3, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e2, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {   4, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e2, 0x05a014, 0x001407 },        \
+       {   5, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e3, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {   6, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e3, 0x05a014, 0x001407 },        \
+       {   7, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e4, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {   8, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e4, 0x05a014, 0x001407 },        \
+       {   9, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e5, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {  10, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e5, 0x05a014, 0x001407 },        \
+       {  11, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e6, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {  12, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e6, 0x05a014, 0x001407 },        \
+       {  13, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e7, 0x05a014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {  14, 0x100bb3, 0x1301e8, 0x05a014, 0x001404 },        \
+       {  36, 0x100bb3, 0x130266, 0x056014, 0x001408 },        \
+       {  38, 0x100bb3, 0x130267, 0x056014, 0x001404 },        \
+       {  40, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a0, 0x056014, 0x001400 },        \
+       {  44, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a0, 0x056014, 0x001408 },        \
+       {  46, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a1, 0x056014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {  48, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a1, 0x056014, 0x001406 },        \
+       {  52, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a2, 0x056014, 0x001404 },        \
+       {  54, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a2, 0x056014, 0x001408 },        \
+       {  56, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a3, 0x056014, 0x001402 },        \
+       {  60, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a4, 0x056014, 0x001400 },        \
+       {  62, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a4, 0x056014, 0x001404 },        \
+       {  64, 0x100bb2, 0x1301a4, 0x056014, 0x001408 },        \
+       { 100, 0x100bb2, 0x1301ac, 0x05e014, 0x001400 },        \
+       { 102, 0x100bb2, 0x1701ac, 0x15e014, 0x001404 },        \
+       { 104, 0x100bb2, 0x1701ac, 0x15e014, 0x001408 },        \
+       { 108, 0x100bb3, 0x17028c, 0x15e014, 0x001404 },        \
+       { 110, 0x100bb3, 0x13028d, 0x05e014, 0x001400 },        \
+       { 112, 0x100bb3, 0x13028d, 0x05e014, 0x001406 },        \
+       { 116, 0x100bb3, 0x13028e, 0x05e014, 0x001408 },        \
+       { 118, 0x100bb3, 0x13028f, 0x05e014, 0x001404 },        \
+       { 120, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e0, 0x05e014, 0x001400 },        \
+       { 124, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e0, 0x05e014, 0x001404 },        \
+       { 126, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e0, 0x05e014, 0x001406 },        \
+       { 128, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e0, 0x05e014, 0x001408 },        \
+       { 132, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e1, 0x05e014, 0x001402 },        \
+       { 134, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e1, 0x05e014, 0x001404 },        \
+       { 136, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e1, 0x05e014, 0x001406 },        \
+       { 140, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e2, 0x05e014, 0x001400 },        \
+       { 149, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e2, 0x05e014, 0x001409 },        \
+       { 151, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e3, 0x05e014, 0x001401 },        \
+       { 153, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e3, 0x05e014, 0x001403 },        \
+       { 157, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e3, 0x05e014, 0x001407 },        \
+       { 159, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e3, 0x05e014, 0x001409 },        \
+       { 161, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e4, 0x05e014, 0x001401 },        \
+       { 165, 0x100bb1, 0x1300e4, 0x05e014, 0x001405 },        \
+       { 167, 0x100bb1, 0x1300f4, 0x05e014, 0x001407 },        \
+       { 169, 0x100bb1, 0x1300f4, 0x05e014, 0x001409 },        \
+       { 171, 0x100bb1, 0x1300f5, 0x05e014, 0x001401 },        \
+       { 173, 0x100bb1, 0x1300f5, 0x05e014, 0x001403 }
 #define RT3070_RF3052          \
        { 0xf1, 2,  2 },        \

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