The following reply was made to PR kern/183007; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Anton Shterenlikht <>
Subject: RE: kern/183007: ia64: panic: deadlkres: possible deadlock detected 
for 0xe0000000128ecd80, blocked for 900060 ticks
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:01:38 +0100 (BST)

 Using "call doadump", and then crashinfo
 gives this core.txt file: dumped core - see ./vmcore.6
 Thu Oct 24 09:57:05 BST 2013
 FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #12 
r255488M: Tue Oct 22 15:42:23 BST 2013  ia64
 panic: deadlkres: possible deadlock detected for 0xe000000011c49200, blocked 
for 901124 ticks
 GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
 Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
 welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
 Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
 There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
 This GDB was configured as "ia64-marcel-freebsd"...
 Cannot access memory at address 0xe0000040fffbdfb8
 (kgdb) #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
 ps -axl
    0     0     0   0  -8  0     0    0 -                DLs   -  121:04.40 
    0     1     0   0  20  0 10368 1112 wait             DLs   -    0:00.03 
    0     2     0   0 -16  0     0    0 idle             DL    -    0:00.00 
    0     3     0   0 -16  0     0    0 idle             DL    -    0:00.00 
    0     4     0   0 -16  0     0    0 waiting_         DL    -    0:00.00 
    0     7     0   0 -16  0     0    0 ccb_scan         DL    -    0:00.00 
    0     8     0   0 -16  0     0    0 pmap pv          LL    -    0:00.48 
    0     9     0   0 -16  0     0    0 -                RL    -    0:00.00 
    0    10     0   0 -16  0     0    0 audit_wo         DL    -    0:00.00 
    0    11     0   0 155  0     0    0 -                RL    -  252:01.23 
    0    12     0   0 -76  0     0    0 -                WL    -    1:54.21 
    0    13     0   0  -8  0     0    0 -                DL    -    1:06.94 
    0    14     0   0 -16  0     0    0 -                DL    -    0:06.59 
    0    15     0   0 -16  0     0    0 tzpoll           DL    -    0:00.18 
    0    16     0   0 -68  0     0    0 -                DL    -    0:00.35 
    0    17     0   0 155  0     0    0 pgzero           DL    -    0:00.00 
    0    18     0   0 -16  0     0    0 psleep           DL    -    0:00.13 
    0    19     0   0  16  0     0    0 syncer           DL    -    1:13.82 
    0    20     0   0 -16  0     0    0 vlruwt           DL    -    0:15.43 
    0    21     0   0 -16  0     0    0 sdflush          DL    -    0:00.14 
    0    40     0   0  -8  0     0    0 e000000012252a18 DL    -    4:05.62 
    0   153     1   0  52  0 12064 1704 pause            DWs   -    0:00.00 
    0   654     1   0  20  0 13856 1616 select           Ds    -    0:00.02 
    0   792     1   0  20  0 12336 3032 select           Ds    -    0:00.09 
    0   873     1   0  20  0 17288 4688 select           Ds    -    0:01.33 
    0   932     1   0  20  0 22736 4672 select           Ds    -    0:00.02 
    0   935     1   0  20  0 24280 6368 -                Rs    -    0:00.50 
   25   938     1   0  20  0 18752 4232 pause            DWs   -    0:00.00 
    0   942     1   0  20  0 12488 3272 pmap pv          LLs   -    0:00.13 
    0   978     1   0  52  0 12624 2296 select           Ds    -    0:00.00 
    0  1000     1   0  52  0 12312 3376 ttydcd           D     -    0:00.01 
    0  1001     1   0  20  0 14128 4976 wait             DWs   -    0:00.00 
    0  1002   932   0  32  0 26304 9440 select           Ds    -    0:00.11 
 1001  1004  1002   0  20  0 26304 6784 select           D     -    0:13.09 
 1001  1005  1004   0  20  0 14536 7264 pause            DWs   -    0:00.00 
    0  1012  1005   0  20  0 14104 4792 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [su]
    0  1015  1012   0  33  0 13352 5168 ttyin            D+    -    0:00.16 [sh]
    0  1309  1001   0  20  0 13352 5200 ttyin            D+    -    0:00.17 [sh]
    0 96150   932   0  34  0 26304 9632 select           Ds    -    0:00.00 
 1001 96152 96150   0  20  0 26304 6736 select           D     -    0:00.00 
 1001 96153 96152   0  52  0 14536 6016 pause            DWs   -    0:00.00 
 1001 96156 96153   0  52  0 12920 6272 vm objec         L     -    0:00.00 
 1001 96157 96156   0  20  0 21112 7888 select           D     -    0:00.00 
    0 96187   942   0  20  0 12488 3320 piperd           D     -    0:00.00 
    0 96189 96187   0  25  0 13352 4992 wait             DWs   -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96191 96189   0  25  0  7960 3112 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 
    0 96192 96191   0  52  0 13352 4992 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96199 96192   0  52  0 13352 2464 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96200 96192   0  24  0 12248 3448 piperd           D     -    0:00.00 
    0 96282 96199   0  52  0 13352 4864 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96283 96282   0  52  0 13352 4992 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96285 96283   0  52  0  7960 3112 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 
    0 96286 96285   0  52  0 13352 4992 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96293 96286   0  52  0 13352 2472 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96294 96286   0  52  0 12248 3440 piperd           D     -    0:00.00 
    0 96295 96293   0  52  0 13352 5136 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96299 96295   0  20  0 12136 4160 vm page          L     -    0:00.00 
    0 96300 96295   0  52  0 13352   24 wait             DW    -    0:00.00 [sh]
    0 96302 96300   0  52  0 12072 4176 piperd           D     -    0:00.00 
 vmstat -s
  42430424 cpu context switches
  99421538 device interrupts
   4215788 software interrupts
  76657815 traps
 140567023 system calls
        22 kernel threads created
     19953  fork() calls
    176205 vfork() calls
         0 rfork() calls
         0 swap pager pageins
         0 swap pager pages paged in
         0 swap pager pageouts
         0 swap pager pages paged out
      5015 vnode pager pageins
     18555 vnode pager pages paged in
         0 vnode pager pageouts
         0 vnode pager pages paged out
         0 page daemon wakeups
         0 pages examined by the page daemon
         0 pages reactivated
   2207587 copy-on-write faults
       340 copy-on-write optimized faults
  72307484 zero fill pages zeroed
         0 zero fill pages prezeroed
       213 intransit blocking page faults
  75448333 total VM faults taken
     22715 page faults requiring I/O
         0 pages affected by kernel thread creation
    703913 pages affected by  fork()
   4057227 pages affected by vfork()
         0 pages affected by rfork()
         0 pages cached
  84394336 pages freed
         0 pages freed by daemon
         0 pages freed by exiting processes
      4609 pages active
    433449 pages inactive
      2026 pages in VM cache
    319481 pages wired down
     12179 pages free
      8192 bytes per page
 216313539 total name lookups
           cache hits (90% pos + 5% neg) system 0% per-directory
           deletions 0%, falsehits 0%, toolong 0%
 vmstat -m
 vmstat: memstat_kvm_malloc: invalid kernel virtual address
          Type InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
 vmstat -z
 vmstat: memstat_kvm_uma: KVM short read
 ITEM                   SIZE  LIMIT     USED     FREE      REQ FAIL SLEEP
 vmstat -i
 interrupt                   total       rate
 clock                    85559128     425667
 uart0                        4936         24
 mpt0                      2060488      10251
 mpt1                      1367156       6801
 fxp0                        10067         50
 bge0                      1075390       5350
 Total                    90077165     448145
 pstat -T
 110/40000 files
 0M/8166M swap space
 pstat -s
 Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
 /dev/da0p3        8362912        0  8362912     0%
 iostat: kvm_read(_tk_nin): invalid kernel virtual address
 iostat: disabling TTY statistics
              da0              da1              da2             cpu
   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
  13.99 3311 45.25  30.71 7104 213.07  31.32 6971 213.22  13  0 46  0 40
 ipcs -a
 ipcs: shmsegs: invalid kernel virtual address
 Message Queues:
 T           ID          KEY MODE        OWNER    GROUP    CREATOR  CGROUP      
           CBYTES                 QNUM               QBYTES        LSPID        
 ipcs -T
        msgmax:        16384    (max characters in a message)
        msgmni:           40    (# of message queues)
        msgmnb:         2048    (max characters in a message queue)
        msgtql:           40    (max # of messages in system)
        msgssz:            8    (size of a message segment)
        msgseg:         2048    (# of message segments in system)
        shmmax:   1073741824    (max shared memory segment size)
        shmmin:            1    (min shared memory segment size)
        shmmni:          192    (max number of shared memory identifiers)
        shmseg:          128    (max shared memory segments per process)
        shmall:       131072    (max amount of shared memory in pages)
        semmni:           50    (# of semaphore identifiers)
        semmns:          340    (# of semaphores in system)
        semmnu:          150    (# of undo structures in system)
        semmsl:          340    (max # of semaphores per id)
        semopm:          100    (max # of operations per semop call)
        semume:           50    (max # of undo entries per process)
        semusz:          632    (size in bytes of undo structure)
        semvmx:        32767    (semaphore maximum value)
        semaem:        16384    (adjust on exit max value)
 Client Info:
 Rpc Counts:
   Getattr   Setattr    Lookup  Readlink      Read     Write    Create    Remove
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
    Rename      Link   Symlink     Mkdir     Rmdir   Readdir  RdirPlus    Access
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
     Mknod    Fsstat    Fsinfo  PathConf    Commit
         0         0         0         0         0
 Rpc Info:
  TimedOut   Invalid X Replies   Retries  Requests
         0         0         0         0         0
 Cache Info:
 Attr Hits    Misses Lkup Hits    Misses BioR Hits    Misses BioW Hits    Misses
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
 BioRLHits    Misses BioD Hits    Misses DirE Hits    Misses Accs Hits    Misses
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
 Server Info:
   Getattr   Setattr    Lookup  Readlink      Read     Write    Create    Remove
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
    Rename      Link   Symlink     Mkdir     Rmdir   Readdir  RdirPlus    Access
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
     Mknod    Fsstat    Fsinfo  PathConf    Commit
         0         0         0         0         0
 Server Ret-Failed
 Server Faults
 Server Cache Stats:
    Inprog      Idem  Non-idem    Misses
         0         0         0         0
 Server Write Gathering:
  WriteOps  WriteRPC   Opsaved
         0         0         0
 netstat -s
        282995 packets sent
                223922 data packets (62082838 bytes)
                695403 data packets (599610 bytes) retransmitted
                618576506 data packets unnecessarily retransmitted
                0 resends initiated by MTU discovery
                56310 ack-only packets (202761 delayed)
                0 URG only packets
                0 window probe packets
                9036 window update packets
                1592 control packets
        124318 packets received
                33423 acks (for 15875451 bytes)
                385 duplicate acks
                1288 acks for unsent data
                94315 packets (110672333 bytes) received in-sequence
                4 completely duplicate packets (739 bytes)
                1496 old duplicate packets
                1349 packets with some dup. data (568 bytes duped)
                198374 out-of-order packets (100900200 bytes)
                3 packets (1 byte) of data after window
                470899 window probes
                1496 window update packets
                77109 packets received after close
                3 discarded for bad checksums
                0 discarded for bad header offset fields
                3 discarded because packet too short
                3 discarded due to memory problems
        198359 connection requests
        6710 connection accepts
        339 bad connection attempts
        0 listen queue overflows
        1 ignored RSTs in the window
        336 connections established (including accepts)
        540 connections closed (including 1469 drops)
                246 connections updated cached RTT on close
                360 connections updated cached RTT variance on close
                310 connections updated cached ssthresh on close
        1 embryonic connection dropped
        493485 segments updated rtt (of 73632 attempts)
        1542 retransmit timeouts
                55014893 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
        56738 persist timeouts
                0 connections dropped by persist timeout
        0 Connections (fin_wait_2) dropped because of timeout
        17 keepalive timeouts
                259207 keepalive probes sent
                0 connections dropped by keepalive
        13190 correct ACK header predictions
        85152 correct data packet header predictions
        99 syncache entries added
                2 retransmitted
                1 dupsyn
                0 dropped
                115 completed
                0 bucket overflow
                0 cache overflow
                0 reset
                0 stale
                0 aborted
                0 badack
                0 unreach
                0 zone failures
        124 cookies sent
        115 cookies received
        3 hostcache entries added
                0 bucket overflow
        0 SACK recovery episodes
        0 segment rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
        0 byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
        6 SACK options (SACK blocks) received
        0 SACK options (SACK blocks) sent
        0 SACK scoreboard overflow
        0 packets with ECN CE bit set
        0 packets with ECN ECT(0) bit set
        0 packets with ECN ECT(1) bit set
        0 successful ECN handshakes
        0 times ECN reduced the congestion window
        10210 datagrams received
        0 with incomplete header
        0 with bad data length field
        0 with bad checksum
        0 with no checksum
        0 dropped due to no socket
        9413 broadcast/multicast datagrams undelivered
        0 dropped due to full socket buffers
        0 not for hashed pcb
        797 delivered
        2060 datagrams output
        0 times multicast source filter matched
        133621 total packets received
        0 bad header checksums
        0 with size smaller than minimum
        0 with data size < data length
        1 with ip length > max ip packet size
        0 with header length < data size
        298 with data length < header length
        638 with bad options
        1523 with incorrect version number
        734107 fragments received
        462943 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
        0 fragments dropped after timeout
        0 packets reassembled ok
        132252 packets for this host
        1369 packets for unknown/unsupported protocol
        0 packets forwarded (0 packets fast forwarded)
        0 packets not forwardable
        0 packets received for unknown multicast group
        0 redirects sent
        285289 packets sent from this host
        220 packets sent with fabricated ip header
        0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
        339 output packets discarded due to no route
        0 output datagrams fragmented
        0 fragments created
        0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
        1687 tunneling packets that can't find gif
        75478 datagrams with bad address in header
        0 calls to icmp_error
        0 errors not generated in response to an icmp message
        Output histogram:
                echo reply: 2
                domain name request: 9
        1 message with bad code fields
        0 messages less than the minimum length
        0 messages with bad checksum
        0 messages with bad length
        1369 multicast echo requests ignored
        0 multicast timestamp requests ignored
        Input histogram:
                echo reply: 306
                echo: 1371
                IPv6 where-are-you: 297
        2 message responses generated
        0 invalid return addresses
        0 no return routes
        0 messages received
        0 messages received with too few bytes
        0 messages received with wrong TTL
        0 messages received with bad checksum
        0 V1/V2 membership queries received
        0 V3 membership queries received
        0 membership queries received with invalid field(s)
        0 general queries received
        0 group queries received
        0 group-source queries received
        0 group-source queries dropped
        0 membership reports received
        0 membership reports received with invalid field(s)
        0 membership reports received for groups to which we belong
        0 V3 reports received without Router Alert
        0 membership reports sent
        27 ARP requests sent
        7 ARP replies sent
        18168 ARP requests received
        6 ARP replies received
        56996 ARP packets received
        0 total packets dropped due to no ARP entry
        24 ARP entrys timed out
        0 Duplicate IPs seen
        0 total packets received
        0 with size smaller than minimum
        0 with data size < data length
        0 with bad options
        0 with incorrect version number
        5 fragments received
        0 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
        0 fragments dropped after timeout
        0 fragments that exceeded limit
        0 packets reassembled ok
        5 packets for this host
        0 packets forwarded
        0 packets not forwardable
        0 redirects sent
        3 packets sent from this host
        0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
        0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
        14 output packets discarded due to no route
        0 output datagrams fragmented
        0 fragments created
        0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
        0 packets that violated scope rules
        0 multicast packets which we don't join
        Input histogram:
                ISOIP: 734405
        Mbuf statistics:
                0 one mbuf
                two or more mbuf:
                        (null)= 1
                1 one ext mbuf
                0 two or more ext mbuf
        0 packets whose headers are not contiguous
        0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
        0 packets discarded because of too many headers
        0 failures of source address selection
        Source addresses selection rule applied:
        0 calls to icmp6_error
        0 errors not generated in response to an icmp6 message
        0 errors not generated because of rate limitation
        Output histogram:
                neighbor solicitation: 2
        0 messages with bad code fields
        0 messages < minimum length
        0 bad checksums
        0 messages with bad length
        Input histogram:
                #232: 99
                #233: 115
                #234: 3
        Histogram of error messages to be generated:
                0 no route
                0 administratively prohibited
                0 beyond scope
                0 address unreachable
                0 port unreachable
                0 packet too big
                0 time exceed transit
                0 time exceed reassembly
                0 erroneous header field
                0 unrecognized next header
                0 unrecognized option
                0 redirect
                0 unknown
        0 message responses generated
        0 messages with too many ND options
        0 messages with bad ND options
        0 bad neighbor solicitation messages
        0 bad neighbor advertisement messages
        0 bad router solicitation messages
        0 bad router advertisement messages
        1 bad redirect message
        0 path MTU changes
        0 messages received
        0 checksum calculations on inbound
        9 messages with bad checksum
        0 messages dropped due to no socket
        0 multicast messages dropped due to no socket
        1 message dropped due to full socket buffers
        18446744073709551606 delivered
        0 datagrams output
 netstat -m
 netstat: memstat_kvm_all: invalid kernel virtual address
 netstat -idW
 Name      Mtu Network       Address              Ipkts Ierrs Idrop    Opkts 
Oerrs  Coll Drop
 fxp0     1500 <Link#1>      00:11:0a:31:e6:0a    10070     0     0        0    
 0     0    0 
 fxp0     1500           1666     -     -        0    
 -     -    - 
 fxp0     1500 fe80::211:aff fe80::211:aff:fe3        0     -     -        0    
 -     -    - 
 bge0     1500 <Link#2>      00:11:0a:31:46:06   914712     0     0   748267    
 0     0    0 
 bge0     1500 mech-as221          845982     -     -   748186    
 -     -    - 
 bge0     1500 fe80::211:aff fe80::211:aff:fe3        0     -     -        2    
 -     -    - 
 lo0     16384 <Link#3>                              46     0     0       46    
 0     0    0 
 lo0     16384 localhost     ::1                      0     -     -        0    
 -     -    - 
 lo0     16384 fe80::1%lo0   fe80::1                  0     -     -        0    
 -     -    - 
 lo0     16384 your-net      localhost               46     -     -       46    
 -     -    - 
 netstat -anr
 Routing tables
 Destination        Gateway            Flags    Refs      Use  Netif Expire
 default      UGS         0   547946   bge0      link#1             U           0        0   fxp0        link#1             UHS         0        0    lo0          link#3             UH          0       46    lo0   link#2             U           0   200240   bge0    link#2             UHS         0        0    lo0
 Destination                       Gateway                       Flags      
Netif Expire
 ::/96                             ::1                           UGRS        lo0
 ::1                               link#3                        UH          lo0
 ::ffff:                 ::1                           UGRS        lo0
 fe80::/10                         ::1                           UGRS        lo0
 fe80::%fxp0/64                    link#1                        U          fxp0
 fe80::211:aff:fe31:e60a%fxp0      link#1                        UHS         lo0
 fe80::%bge0/64                    link#2                        U          bge0
 fe80::211:aff:fe31:4606%bge0      link#2                        UHS         lo0
 fe80::%lo0/64                     link#3                        U           lo0
 fe80::1%lo0                       link#3                        UHS         lo0
 ff01::%fxp0/32                    fe80::211:aff:fe31:e60a%fxp0  U          fxp0
 ff01::%bge0/32                    fe80::211:aff:fe31:4606%bge0  U          bge0
 ff01::%lo0/32                     ::1                           U           lo0
 ff02::/16                         ::1                           UGRS        lo0
 ff02::%fxp0/32                    fe80::211:aff:fe31:e60a%fxp0  U          fxp0
 ff02::%bge0/32                    fe80::211:aff:fe31:4606%bge0  U          bge0
 ff02::%lo0/32                     ::1                           U           lo0
 netstat -anA
 netstat: kvm_read: Invalid argument
 netstat: kvm_read: Invalid argument
 Active Internet connections (including servers)
 Tcpcb            Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address      Foreign Address    
 e000000013417d18 udp4       0      0      *.*                
 e000000013418000 udp6       0      0 fe80::1%lo0.123    *.*                
 e000000013418188 udp6       0      0 ::1.123            *.*                
 e000000013418310 udp6       0      0 fe80::211:aff:fe.1 *.*                
 e000000013418498 udp4       0      0 *.*                
 e000000013418620 udp6       0      0 fe80::211:aff:fe.1 *.*                
 e0000000134187a8 udp4       0      0    *.*                
 e000000013418930 udp6       0      0 *.123              *.*                
 e000000013418ab8 udp4       0      0 *.123              *.*                
 e00000001340b880 udp4       0      0 *.514              *.*                
 e00000001340ba08 udp6       0      0 *.514              *.*                
 Active UNIX domain sockets
 Address  Type   Recv-Q Send-Q    Inode     Conn     Refs  Nextref Addr
 e0000000135dec30 dgram       0      0        0 e0000000135cb860        0 
 e0000000135df0e0 dgram       0      0        0 e0000000135cb860        0 
 e0000000135df2c0 dgram       0      0        0 e0000000135df4a0        0       
 e0000000135df3b0 dgram       0      0        0 e0000000135cb860        0 
 e0000000135cb770 dgram       0      0        0 e0000000135cb860        0       
 e0000000135cb860 dgram       0      0 e0000000133b09c0        0 
e0000000135dec30        0 /var/run/logpriv
 e0000000135df4a0 dgram       0      0 e0000000135ccea0        0 
e0000000135df2c0        0 /var/run/log
 netstat -aL
 netstat: kvm_read: Invalid argument
 netstat: kvm_read: Invalid argument
 Current listen queue sizes (qlen/incqlen/maxqlen)
 Proto Listen         Local Address         
 Segmentation fault
 dmesg: kvm_read: 
 kernel config
 ident  UZI
 machine        ia64
 cpu    ITANIUM2
 makeoptions    MODULES_OVERRIDE=geom/geom_part opensolaris zfs acl_nfs4 
 makeoptions    DEBUG=-g
 options        USB_DEBUG
 options        TEXTDUMP_VERBOSE
 options        TEXTDUMP_PREFERRED
 options        DIAGNOSTIC
 options        DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS
 options        DEBUG_LOCKS
 options        MALLOC_DEBUG_MAXZONES=8
 options        WITNESS_SKIPSPIN
 options        WITNESS
 options        INVARIANT_SUPPORT
 options        INVARIANTS
 options        DEADLKRES
 options        GDB
 options        DDB
 options        KDB_TRACE
 options        KDB
 options        QUOTA
 options        UFS_GJOURNAL
 options        UFS_DIRHASH
 options        UFS_ACL
 options        SYSVSHM
 options        SYSVSEM
 options        SYSVMSG
 options        STACK
 options        SOFTUPDATES
 options        SMP
 options        SCTP
 options        SCSI_DELAY=5000
 options        SCHED_ULE
 options        PSEUDOFS
 options        PROCFS
 options        PROCDESC
 options        PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128
 options        PREEMPTION
 options        P1003_1B_SEMAPHORES
 options        NFS_ROOT
 options        NFSD
 options        NFSLOCKD
 options        NFSCL
 options        MSDOSFS
 options        MD_ROOT
 options        MAC
 options        KTRACE
 options        INET6
 options        INET
 options        INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE
 options        GEOM_LABEL
 options        FFS
 options        TMPFS
 options        NULLFS
 options        FDESCFS
 options        COMPAT_FREEBSD7
 options        CD9660
 options        CAPABILITIES
 options        CAPABILITY_MODE
 options        AUDIT
 options        NEW_PCIB
 options        GEOM_PART_MBR
 options        GEOM_PART_GPT
 options        GEOM_PART_BSD
 device acpi
 device io
 device mem
 device uart_ns8250
 device miibus
 device pci
 device scbus
 device usb
 device mpt
 device cd
 device da
 device pass
 device ehci
 device ohci
 device uhci
 device umass
 device bge
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 device ether
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