>Number:         182148
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       "time -h portupgrade -aDFR -O" stops sending ^D
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Sep 16 10:30:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Thomas Schweikle
>Release:        9.2-PRERELEASE
FreeBSD cc-tps-pfsB-muc.bfs.de 9.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 9.2-PRERELEASE #25 
r255510: Fri Sep 13 17:27:51 CEST 2013     
r...@cc-tps-pfsb-muc.bfs.de:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CC-TPS-PFSB-MUC  amd64
Having a script:
--- snip

timecmd() {
  echo "$(date) -- \"$*\""
  time -h -- $*
  return $res

timecmd portupgrade -aDFR -O
--- snap

leads to output:
--- snip
# update up
Mon Sep 16 11:28:47 CEST 2013 -- "portupgrade -aDFR -O"
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 272 packages found - done]
--->  Fetching the distfile(s) for 'sqlite3-' (databases/sqlite3)
--->  Fetching '/usr/ports/databases/sqlite3'
--- snap

at this point the script stops. Changing it to read:
--- snip

timecmd() {
  echo "$(date) -- \"$*\""
  time -h -- $*
  return $res

timecmd portupgrade -aDFR -O \< /dev/null
--- snap

leads to output:
--- snip
# update up
Mon Sep 16 12:22:51 CEST 2013 -- "portupgrade -aDFR -O < /dev/null"
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 272 packages found - done]
: date format error

--- snap

Looks like there is something going on inside portupgrade while fiddling with 
stdio/stderr/stdin giving strange results or leading to hanging processes 
waiting for input.
Copy the above script, execute it to update ports database
Do not use portupgrade with any io-redirects
Do not use "time" or others to execute portupgrade

So really: no fix known.

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