>Number:         180328
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       awk(1) fails to treat var as integer
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jul 05 17:20:01 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Steffen
>Release:        10
FreeBSD fbsd10 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sun Jun 23 02:55:37 UTC 
2013     r...@snap.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
Note first that this problem also occurs for Mac OS X Snow Leopard and NetBSD 
current.  I have not yet tested GNU awk.
I use awk(1) to generate test data from Unicode text files.
. i think the best is i show it:

## Input producers

io_unicode_data() {
   < unicode/UnicodeData.txt ${TAWK} '
      BEGIN {FS = ";" ; OFS = ";"}
      # There are no comments in this, but..
      /^[[:space:]]*[^#]+$/ {
         i = $2
         # Ranges must become unrolled, otherwise step on
         if (i !~ /, First>/) {
            $2 = ""

         r1 = sprintf("%d", "0x" $1)
         r2 = sprintf("%d", "0x" $1)
         $2 = ""
         # This gets around a bug in at least "awk version 20070501" as found
         # on Slow Leopard: there the range F0000-FFFFD, and only that one,
         # will *not* be evaluated unless we do this (once property test came)
         # XXX presumably the type system is a bit weird; check other AWKs!
         sprintf("%X %X", r1, r2)
this is it; UnicodeData.txt contains multiple ranges, but only this one will be 
"omitted" without sprintf(), the while() will simply not execute otherwise.
         while (r1 <= r2) {
            $1 = sprintf("%X", r1)
            printf "%s\n", $0

well..; git clone my S-CText and run `make ucd' with and without the line 
`sprintf("%X %X", r1, r2)', compare the resulting `test/sa/t_props.dat' files.

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