>Number:         179269
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       [ath] [AR9285] RX antenna diversity is not functioning 
>correctly; breaks single-antenna designs
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jun 03 19:10:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     adrian chadd
>Release:        FreeBSD-10
This is applicable to -9 and -8 as well.

The AR9285 is a 1x1 design with a twist on "classic" style antenna diversity. 
The MAC can choose:

* RX on antenna 1 or 2;
* RX on both, by using a "mixer configuration" to mix the signals from both 
antennas a specific way;
* RX on both, by selecting either antenna 1 or 2 (ie, classic diversity) based 
on signal level;
* RX on both, by using the above mixer configuration (well two - main and 
alternate) and selecting one based on signal level

Now, by default, we're only doing RX on a single antenna. The AR_DEF_ANTENNA 
register controls the static antenna selection if fast diversity isn't enabled.

However! The AR5416 HAL does this:

         * Preserve the antenna on a channel change
        saveDefAntenna = OS_REG_READ(ah, AR_DEF_ANTENNA);
        if (saveDefAntenna == 0)                /* XXX magic constants */
                saveDefAntenna = 1;

. which means RX will only occur on antenna #2 if antenna diversity is disabled.

So in one antenna solutions (antenna #1 / Main is connected) the unit will TX 
through the antenna, but RX through the unconnected port.


* AR9285
* Connect an antenna to antenna #1
* do NOT connect an antenna to antenna #2
* Try being a station for a while
This workaround (for the AR5416, I guess) needs to be made conditional.

Fast and slow antenna diversity should be enabled as well. I'll go through the 
code and figure out why that isn't enabled.

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