>Number:         178252
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       syncer infinite loop
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Apr 30 08:30:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     free...@nagilum.org
>Release:        FreeBSD 9.1
System: FreeBSD cakebox.tis 9.1-BETA1 FreeBSD 9.1-BETA1 #0: Sat Jul 14 18:22:37 
CEST 2012 r...@cakebox.tis:/usr/obj/export/src/sys/net5501 i386

        Soekris Net5501
        With kernels newer than October 2012 I run into the 'syncer bug'.
        The syncer kernel thread will consume 100% CPU and no further disk
        activity will be performed.
        If the disk activity that triggered the syncer can be interrupted
        i.e. a port build - then I can recover. But if its something else
        system related then I can do a "pkill -STOP watchdogd" to recover
        as the system is unable to perform a reboot since all disk activity
        is haltet.
        Not sure if this is relevant but these are my local filesystems
        with their mount options.
        /dev/ad1s1a on / (ufs, local, journaled soft-updates)
        /dev/ad1s1d.eli on /export/home (ufs, NFS exported, local, journaled 
        Sorry for filing this so late but I was hoping the bug would be
        fixed without me having to file it since I was also told the FreeBSD
        IRC channel that this was a known problem.

        Build a current FreeBSD-9 STABLE - possibly with the attached config
        - boot it and cause lots of disk activity.
        After a few hours the bug will occur.
        Use "top -HS" to observe.


        Boot older kernel, like this one from Jul 14 2012.

--- net5501 begins here ---
# GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/i386
# For more information on this file, please read the handbook section on
# Kernel Configuration Files:
# The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook
# if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the
# FreeBSD World Wide Web server (http://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the
# latest information.
# An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the
# device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files.
# If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first
# in NOTES.
# $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC,v 1.429.2.5 2006/01/23 14:19:36 marius 
Exp $

machine         i386
cpu             I586_CPU
ident           net5501
options         CPU_GEODE
options         CPU_SOEKRIS
options         NO_F00F_HACK
device          cpufreq
options         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE

# To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
#hints          "GENERIC.hints"         # Default places to look for devices.

makeoptions     DEBUG=-g                # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols

options         SCHED_ULE               # ULE scheduler
options         PREEMPTION              # Enable kernel thread preemption
options         INET                    # InterNETworking
options         INET6                   # IPv6 communications protocols
options         ACCEPT_FILTER_DATA
options         ACCEPT_FILTER_DNS
options         ACCEPT_FILTER_HTTP
options         ZERO_COPY_SOCKETS       # Zero copy sockets support
options         FFS                     # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options         SOFTUPDATES             # Enable FFS soft updates support
options         UFS_ACL                 # Support for access control lists
options         UFS_DIRHASH             # Improve performance on big directories
#options        NFSCLIENT               # Network Filesystem Client
options         NFSD                    # Network Filesystem Server
options         NFSLOCKD                # Network Lock Manager
#options        CD9660                  # ISO 9660 Filesystem
options         PROCFS                  # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
#options        COMPAT_LINUX            # Enable Linux ABI emulation
#options        LINPROCFS
options         PSEUDOFS                # Pseudo-filesystem framework
options         NULLFS                  #NULL filesystem
#options        GEOM_GPT                # GUID Partition Tables.
options         GEOM_ELI                # encryption on GEOM providers
options         GEOM_LABEL              # Provides labelization
#options        GEOM_SCHED              # IO scheduler
options         DIRECTIO                # Attempt to bypass the buffer cache
options         COMPAT_43               # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options         COMPAT_FREEBSD7         # Compatible with FreeBSD7
#options        NETSMB
options         SCSI_DELAY=5000         # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI
options         KTRACE                  # ktrace(1) support
options         SYSVSHM                 # SYSV-style shared memory
options         SYSVMSG                 # SYSV-style message queues
options         SYSVSEM                 # SYSV-style semaphores
options         _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time 
options         P1003_1B_SEMAPHORES     # POSIX-style semaphores
options         KBD_INSTALL_CDEV        # install a CDEV entry in /dev
options         KDB                     # Kernel debugger related code
options         KDB_TRACE               # Print a stack trace for a panic
options         PPS_SYNC
options         FLOWTABLE               # per-cpu routing cache
device          apic                    # I/O APIC

# Bus support.
device          eisa
device          pci

# ATA and ATAPI devices
device          ata
device          atadisk         # ATA disk drives
#device         ataraid         # ATA RAID drives
options         ATA_STATIC_ID   # Static device numbering

device          glxsb           # AMD Geode LX Security Block

# SCSI peripherals
device          scbus           # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
device          ch              # SCSI media changers
device          da              # Direct Access (disks)
#device         sa              # Sequential Access (tape etc)
#device         cd              # CD
device          pass            # Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
#device         ses             # SCSI Environmental Services (and SAF-TE)
#device         pt              # SCSI processor
device          targ            # SCSI target mode
device          targbh          # SCSI blackhole devices
#device         ccd             # RAID (concatenated disk)

# Serial (COM) ports
device          uart            # newbusified driver for serial interfaces

# PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code.
# NOTE: Be sure to keep the 'device miibus' line in order to use these NICs!
device          miibus          # MII bus support
device          vr              # VIA Rhine, Rhine II

# Wireless NIC cards
device          wlan            # 802.11 support
device          wlan_wep        # 802.11 WEP support
device          wlan_ccmp       # 802.11 CCMP support
device          wlan_tkip       # 802.11 TKIP support
device          wlan_amrr       # AMRR transmit rate control algorithm
device          wlan_xauth      # support for external authenticators

device          ath             # Atheros pci/cardbus NIC's
device          ath_pci         # Atheros PCI device glue
device          ath_hal         # pci/cardbus chip support
device          ath_ar5416      # AR5416 chips
options         AH_SUPPORT_AR5416
options         ATH_ENABLE_11N
device          ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath
options         IEEE80211_AMPDU_AGE # age frames in AMPDU reorder q's
#device         rum             # Ralink Technology RT2501USB wireless NICs
#device         wi              # WaveLAN/Intersil/Symbol 802.11 wireless NICs.
#device         wl              # Older non 802.11 Wavelan wireless NIC.

# Pseudo devices.
device          loop            # Network loopback
device          random          # Entropy device
device          ether           # Ethernet support
#device         sl              # Kernel SLIP
device          sppp            # Kernel PPP
device          tun             # Packet tunnel.
device          tap             # virtual ethernet driver
device          pf              # PF OpenBSD Packet Filter
device          pty             # Pseudo-ttys (telnet etc)
device          md              # Memory "disks"
device          gif             # IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling
device          faith           # IPv6-to-IPv4 relaying (translation)
device          crypto          # core crypto support
device          cryptodev       # /dev/crypto for access to h/w

# The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.
# Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this!
# Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP.
device          bpf             # Berkeley packet filter

# USB support
#device         uhci            # UHCI PCI->USB interface
device          ohci            # OHCI PCI->USB interface
device          ehci            # EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)
device          usb             # USB Bus (required)
device          ucom            # USB serial support
device          u3g             # USB support for 3G modem cards
#device         udbp            # USB Double Bulk Pipe devices
#device         uhid            # "Human Interface Devices"
#device         umass           # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da

device          smbus
device          smb
device          amdpm

device          iicbus
device          iicbb

device          ic
device          iic
device          iicsmb          # smb over i2c bridge

options         ALTQ
options         ALTQ_CBQ                # Class Bases Queueing
options         ALTQ_RED                # Random Early Drop
options         ALTQ_RIO                # RED In/Out
options         ALTQ_HFSC               # Hierarchical Packet Scheduler
options         ALTQ_CDNR               # Traffic conditioner
options         ALTQ_PRIQ               # Priority Queueing
--- net5501 ends here ---
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