>Number:         177012
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       [patch] Remove fortune(6) tip about installing 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Mar 16 03:00:01 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Kevin Zheng
>Release:        9.1-RELEASE
FreeBSD sigma.local 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #0 r243826: Tue Dec  4 
06:55:39 UTC 2012     r...@obrian.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  
The misc/instant-server port was gutted once and for all out of the FreeBSD 
Ports collection by PR ports/176610. Since then, the ghost of instant-server 
has been haunting the FreeBSD base system, spooking unsuspecting users who like 
having a tip or two at their login prompt and try to install a port that does 
not exist.

Basically, we need to take out this tip because it is no longer applicable and 
won't work on all supported systems.
You can get a good generic server install by using the
instant-server port/package.  If you have ports installed, you can
install it by doing

   # cd /usr/ports/misc/instant-server
   # make install && make clean

as root.  This will install a collection of packages that is appropriate for
running a "generic" server.
Apply the attached patch. This was generated weirdly, but should be applied to 
the fortune data files cleanly.

Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: freebsd-tips
--- head/games/fortune/datfiles/freebsd-tips    (revision 248360)
+++ head/games/fortune/datfiles/freebsd-tips    (working copy)
@@ -373,16 +373,6 @@
 You can disable tcsh's terminal beep if you `set nobeep'.
-You can get a good generic server install by using the
-instant-server port/package.  If you have ports installed, you can
-install it by doing
-       # cd /usr/ports/misc/instant-server
-       # make install && make clean
-as root.  This will install a collection of packages that is appropriate for
-running a "generic" server.
 You can install extra packages for FreeBSD by using the ports system.
 If you have installed it, you can download, compile, and install software by
 just typing

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