On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 10:31:13PM -0500, kpn...@pobox.com wrote:
> But the torrent files _were_ provided directly by the Project. Those
> torrents contain hashes of the real files. This means files can be downloaded
> from anyone and the authenticity of them could still be verified.

Truthfully, I was not aware of that.  I have not used torrents for
downloading installation medium.

> > I removed the link from the website.  I did not take down the service.
> I did not assume you were responsible for the service. I apologize if I
> wasn't clear on that. My guess was that you knew who was and could at least
> report back feedback on the loss of the service.

I do not, but if I can track down someone, I will point them to this


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