>Number: 174144 >Category: bin >Synopsis: [PATCH] usr.sbin/adduser default to csh as sh is just annoying >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: freebsd-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Wed Dec 05 07:20:00 UTC 2012 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Chris Petrik >Release: FreeBSD 9.0-p5 >Organization: ns >Environment: >Description: I have always used adduser to create users, but having sh as default is not really user friendly for most and it is a pain to use otherwise so why not change it to csh? >How-To-Repeat:
>Fix: patch Patch attached with submission follows: Index: freebsdsrc/head/usr.sbin/adduser/adduser.sh ================================================================== --- freebsdsrc/head/usr.sbin/adduser/adduser.sh +++ freebsdsrc/head/usr.sbin/adduser/adduser.sh @@ -834,11 +834,11 @@ } #### END SUBROUTINE DEFINITION #### THISCMD=`/usr/bin/basename $0` -DEFAULTSHELL=/bin/sh +DEFAULTSHELL=/bin/csh ADDUSERCONF="${ADDUSERCONF:-/etc/adduser.conf}" PWCMD="${PWCMD:-/usr/sbin/pw}" MAILCMD="${MAILCMD:-mail}" ETCSHELLS="${ETCSHELLS:-/etc/shells}" NOHOME="/nonexistent" >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: _______________________________________________ freebsd-bugs@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-bugs To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-bugs-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"