The following reply was made to PR bin/170206; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Stephen Montgomery-Smith <>
To: Bruce Evans <>
        Stephen Montgomery-Smith <>
Subject: Re: bin/170206: complex arcsinh, log, etc.
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2012 10:40:41 -0500

 On 07/28/2012 02:35 AM, Bruce Evans wrote:
 > On Sat, 28 Jul 2012, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
 >> On 07/28/2012 12:25 AM, Bruce Evans wrote:
 >>> #define    DE    DBL_EPSILON        // for clarity
 >>> (1)   1 + DE/2        = 1         (half way case rounded down to even)
 >>> (2)   1 + DE/2 + DE/2 = 1         (double rounding)
 >>> (3)   DE/2 + DE/2 + 1 = 1 + DE    (null rounding)
 >>> We want to add -1 to a value near 1 like the above.  Now a leading 1
 >>> in the above will cancel with the -1, and the the order in (3) becomes
 >>> the inaccurate one.
 >> Yes, but in my situation, I am rather sure that when I am adding
 >> highest to lowest that this won't occur.  I am starting with -1, then
 >> adding something close to 1, then adding lots of smaller terms.  And I
 >> find it very plausible that the kind of situation you describe won't
 >> happen. x0*x0 is close to 1. x0*x1 is at most sqrt(DE) times smaller.
 >> And so on.  So I think the kind of situation you describe should never
 >> happen.
 > Ahem.  FP^2 space is not nearly as large as the metaverse (only 2^256
 > cases even for sparc64), but it is large enough so that almost
 > everything that can happen in it does happen in it.  You are right
 > that problems are far away with the x* terms (x0*x0 had better not be
 > very close to 1 unless it is exactly 1, since it it is too close then
 > it will no longer be many times larger than x0*x1 after subtracting 1
 > from it; the other cases for x* are simpler).  The problem is with the
 > additional y* terms.  x and y are independent, so for many or most x,
 > there are many y's with bits that cause half-way cases when combined
 > with x.
 > After splitting and squaring, the bits move around, so it hard to generate
 > or control the offending y's.
 >> As I said, I don't have a mathematical proof that the kind of thing
 >> you describe can NEVER happen.  I just have never observed it happen.
 > There might be a measly 2^128 bad cases out of 2^256.  Then no one would
 > even observe them by chance :-).  But half-way cases are fairly common.
 I agree.  That is why I am sad that I don't have a mathematical proof. 
 and the probability of picking out the bad example by chance is 
 something like the chances of being hit by a large asteroid, so we will 
 never see it happen in a random experiment.
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