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-NJ Learns Fee Reduction

- Design Studio Videos Online

- Blog Post from Jaimie Cloud


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for EfS units of study, curricula, design tools and more...

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Design Box Today

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F/REE Downloads (
http://www.cloudinstitute.org/free-k-12-exemplary-lessons )

K-12 Exemplary Lessons Developed for TerraCycle by
The Cloud Institute


TerraCycleCurriculum Lesson Sets each focus on a particular EfS
Standard and its relationship to the materials cycles.


April 10th, 2012


The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education | Programs



The NJ Learns Keystone Year is a 9-month Introductory Education for
Sustainability program. Between May 2012 and January 2013, the
Keystone Year program will provide participants with a transformative
understanding of what sustainability is, and the knowledge, skills and
tools to lead it and educate for it in your community or school. 


Thanks to a grant from The Dodge Foundation ( http://www.grdodge.org )
we have been able to reduce the fee for the program from $945 to$275!
And, NJ Learns partner Sustainable Jersey (
http://www.sustainablejersey.com ) will provide 20 scholarships,
valued at $275 each to Sustainable Jersey registered and certified


Through the NJ Learns Keystone Program you and your team members will


Eight days of expert training, best practices, and leadership tools to
educate for sustainability

Knowledge, skills, materials to approach community interests from a
sustainability perspective

Resources and networking opportunities to build your capacity to
advance sustainability initiatives

Constructive peer and expert feedback to help you match your message
to your audience and more!

Learn More ( http://www.cloudinstitute.org/new-jersey-learns
)            Download the Flyer (
)            Apply Now! (
http://www.cloudinstitute.org/nj-learns-application )




This annual program is designed for educators, faculty, curriculum
supervisors, administrators, and community educators. As teams or as
individuals, participants  learn how to design and embed EfS into
their curriculum, assessments, and community-based projects.
Administrators and supervisors learn how to develop performance
assessments, professional development plans, and organizational
learning strategies that educate for sustainability. Individual or
group registrations are available. Lunch and program materials will be


COAST                                           WEST

New York,
NY                                            Portland,

 July 29th - August
3rd                               June
24th - June 29th


Click Here ( http://www.cloudinstitute.org/summer-design-studio ) to
learn more and watch videos from last year's Summer Design Studio:



The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education | NEW Blog Post!



Reflections on ‘Happiness and Wellbeing: Defining a New Economic
Paradigm’  By Jaimie Cloud

On April 2nd of this year I attended a meeting at the U.N. Hosted by
The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Lyonchhen Jigmi Y.
Thinley entitled, ‘Happiness and Wellbeing: Defining a New Economic
Paradigm’. Bhutan is famous for developing the Gross National
Happiness Index, a stunning measure of sustainable development that
takes a holistic approach towards notions of progress and gives equal
importance to both economic as well as non-economic aspects of
wellbeing.Continue Reading (



Events You Should Know About


April 12th, 2012Ramapo Masters of Arts in Sustainability Studies (
http://ww2.ramapo.edu/sshs/news.aspx ) Mahwah, NJ | How do we create
lead institutions for sustainability? Mastermind of sustainable
transformation Tony Cortese, President, Second Nature, "Advancing
Consensus on Sustainability in Higher Education: from Curriculum to


April 27th, 2012NY+20 ( http://newyorkplus20.wordpress.com ) New York,
NY | With the UN Headquarters in New York, we are in a unique position
to expose young people to the UN process and to inspire them to take
part in sustainable development action. NY+20 wants the youth of the
world to have a strong, organized position at Rio+20, and to be able
to deliver a clear message of needs to be in the final outcome
document. No prior knowledge about sustainable development, Rio+20, or
the United Nations needed to attend!  Come join other young people
from around New York City, get inspired, and start the movement for
sustainability in your community!


April 28th, 2012TEDxNYED ( http://www.tedxnyed.com ) New York, NY |
TEDxNYED is a New York City-based TEDx event focused on education.
This year’s theme is Connected. Instructed. Created. and will take
place on April 28, 2012 at the Museum of Moving Image. Join Jaimie
Cloud and other presenters invited to share their insights and inspire
conversations about the future of education.


July 9th - 13th, 2012Camp Snowball ( http://campsnowball.org ) Tucson,
AZ | Camp Snowball is about building collective capacity to shape the
future. We live in an inceasingly interconnected and complex world in
which the ways we live in one place affect people and ecosystems

This four-day, multi-faceted learning event that brings together
students, parents, educators, and business and community leaders to
build everyone’s capacity for learning and leading in the 21st
century. Visit http://campsnowball.org to learn more and register



Resources for Teachers


All Terrain Brain (ATB) (
http://www.allterrainbrain.org/ATBEducators.aspx ) is a multimedia
project designed to get 8-12 year old kids to take their brains “off
road” and tap into their entrepreneurial spirits. The project's
components: 25 short videos, the interactive ATB web site, and the
Team ATB Activity Guide, help kids discover they have the power to do
whatever they want in life. It's loaded with resources to help the
kids you work with develop the critical- and creative-thinking skills
they need to get excited about opportunities and take control of their
futures. With brain-twisting group activities, singable animated
videos, and a series of badge-collecting web experiences, ATB inspires
kids to discover passions, think creatively, take responsibility,
embrace change, persevere, set goals, solve problems and dream big.
Jaimie Cloud was an advisor to this project developed by Three Chicks
Production Company with the support of the Kauffman Foundation. You
will recognize the attributes of our EfS Standard, Inventing and
Effecting the Future in all of the scenarios and activities.


The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education prepares K-12 school
systems and their communities to educate for a sustainable future by
inspiring educators and engaging students through meaningful content
and learner-centered instruction. Our services include: consulting and
leadership development; professional development and coaching;
curriculum design, assessment, mapping, and alignment, and
facilitating school and community partnerships.

We define  Education for Sustainability (EfS)  as a transformative
learning process that equips students, teachers, and school systems
with the new knowledge and ways of thinking we need to achieve
economic prosperity and responsible citizenship while restoring the
health of the living systems upon which our lives depend. EfS has
multiple, positive effects on student achievement, school culture,
community vitality, and ecological integrity.

307 Seventh Avenue Suite 1201, New York, NY 10001 ph. 212.645.9930 fax
212.645.9931www.cloudinstitute.org ( http://www.cloudinstitute.org/ )

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