>Number:         163508
>Category:       conf
>Synopsis:       [patch] Add "enable" and "disable" commands to rc.subr
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Dec 21 16:50:04 UTC 2011
>Originator:     Maxim Ignatenko
>Release:        8-STABLE
FreeBSD imax 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #5: Tue Nov 15 10:50:14 EET 2011     
root@imax:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/IMAX  i386
Attached patch adds "enable" and "disable" commands to /etc/rc.subr. Each 
command first check /etc/rc.conf.d/${name} file (if /etc/rc.conf.d/ exists) for 
presence of ${rcvar} assignment, then all files in rc_conf_files checked. If 
there are no ${rcvar} assignment it gets added to /etc/rc.conf.d/${name} (if 
/etc/rc.conf.d exists) or to last writable file inf rc_conf_files


Patch attached with submission follows:

--- /usr/src.8/etc/rc.subr      2011-09-25 10:25:06.000000000 +0300
+++ /etc/rc.subr        2011-12-21 18:36:15.000000000 +0200
@@ -441,9 +441,34 @@
+# replace_var
+#      Replaces values of all variable $2 assignments in file $1 with
+#      value $3
+       local file var val
+       file="$1"
+       var="$2"
+       val="$3"
+       /usr/bin/sed -E -I"" -e "s/^([[:space:]]*)${var}=.*/\1${var}=${val}/" 
+# check_var_exists
+#      Retuns 0 if variable $2 is explicitly set in file $1
+       local file var
+       file="$1"
+       var="$2"
+       grep -qE "^[[:space:]]*${var}=" "${file}"
 # run_rc_command argument
 #      Search for argument in the list of supported commands, which is:
-#              "start stop restart rcvar status poll ${extra_commands}"
+#              "start stop restart rcvar status poll enable disable 
 #      If there's a match, run ${argument}_cmd or the default method
 #      (see below).
@@ -579,6 +604,10 @@
 #      rcvar           Display what rc.conf variable is used (if any).
+#      enable          Set ${rcvar} to YES
+#      disable         Set ${rcvar} to NO
 #      Variables available to methods, and after run_rc_command() has
 #      completed:
@@ -647,7 +676,7 @@
        eval _override_command=\$${name}_program
-       _keywords="start stop restart rcvar $extra_commands"
+       _keywords="start stop restart rcvar enable disable $extra_commands"
@@ -689,12 +718,26 @@
                if [ "$_elem" != "$rc_arg" ]; then
+               if [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "${rc_arg}" == "enable" ]; then
+                       if checkyesno ${rcvar}; then
+                               echo "Service ${name} already enabled."
+                               return 0
+                       fi
+               fi
+               if [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "${rc_arg}" == "disable" ]; then
+                       if ! checkyesno ${rcvar}; then
+                               echo "Service ${name} not enabled."
+                               return 0
+                       fi
+               fi
                                        # if ${rcvar} is set, $1 is not "rcvar"
                                        # and ${rc_pid} is not set, then run
                                        #       checkyesno ${rcvar}
                                        # and return if that failed
-               if [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "$rc_arg" != "rcvar" -a "$rc_arg" != 
"stop" ] ||
+               if [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "$rc_arg" != "rcvar" -a "$rc_arg" != 
"stop" -a "$rc_arg" != "enable" ] ||
                    [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "$rc_arg" = "stop" -a -z "${rc_pid}" ]; 
                        if ! checkyesno ${rcvar}; then
                                if [ -n "${rc_quiet}" ]; then
@@ -895,6 +938,43 @@
                        echo ""
+               enable|disable)
+                       local done filelist new_state val
+                       if [ "${rc_arg}" = "enable" ]; then
+                               new_state="enabled"
+                               val="YES"
+                       else
+                               new_state="disabled"
+                               val="NO"
+                       fi
+                       done=0
+                       filelist=$(reverse_list ${rc_conf_files})
+                       if [ -d "/etc/rc.conf.d" ]; then
+                               filelist="/etc/rc.conf.d/${name} ${filelist}"
+                       fi
+                       for file in ${filelist}; do
+                               if [ -r "${file}" -a -w "${file}" ]; then
+                                       if check_var_exists "${file}" 
"${rcvar}"; then
+                                               replace_var "${file}" 
"${rcvar}" "${val}"
+                                               echo "Service ${name} 
${new_state} in ${file}."
+                                               done=1
+                                               break
+                                       fi
+                               fi
+                       done
+                       if [ "${done}" = "0" ]; then
+                               if [ -d "/etc/rc.conf.d" ]; then
+                                       touch "/etc/rc.conf.d/name"
+                               fi
+                               for file in ${filelist}; do
+                                       if [ -w "${file}" ]; then
+                                               echo "${rcvar}=${val}" >> 
+                                               echo "Service ${name} 
${new_state} in ${file}."
+                                       fi
+                               done
+                       fi
+                       ;;
                        rc_usage $_keywords

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