>Number:         160929
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       bsdinstall on 9.0-BETA2 incorrectly configures wpa/dhcp for 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Sep 23 02:20:02 UTC 2011
>Originator:     Adrian Chadd
>Release:        9.0-BETA2
FreeBSD viac3.home.cacheboy.net 9.0-BETA2 FreeBSD 9.0-BETA2 #0: Thu Sep 22 
23:06:19 WST 2011     adr...@viac3.home.cacheboy.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VIAC3 

When bsdinstall installed my system, it asked for wifi details.
It correctly configured and associated to my wifi during install, but it didn't 
do so after a reboot.

/etc/rc.conf contained:


I believe that should be "WPA DHCP" rather than "WPADHCP".

The install NIC was a D-Link DWA-552 later edition PCI 802.11ng NIC (AR9223.)

* Boot 9.0-BETA2 off of USB stick
* Install to disk
* Post-configure wifi
* Reboot
>From IRC:

07:19 <@battlez> --- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/netconfig_ipv4  (revision 
07:19 <@battlez> +++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/netconfig_ipv4  (working copy)
07:19 <@battlez> @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ esac
07:19 <@battlez>
07:19 <@battlez>  dialog --backtitle 'FreeBSD Installer' --title 'Network 
Configuration' --yesno 'Would you like to use DHCP to configure this 
interface?' 0 0
07:19 <@battlez>  if [ $? -eq $DIALOG_OK ]; then
07:19 <@battlez> -       echo ifconfig_$INTERFACE=\"${IFCONFIG_PREFIX}DHCP\" >> 
07:19 <@battlez> +       echo ifconfig_$INTERFACE=\"${IFCONFIG_PREFIX} DHCP\" 
>> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/._rc.conf.net
07:20 <@battlez>
07:20 <@battlez>         if [ ! -z $BSDINSTALL_CONFIGCURRENT ]; then
07:20 <@battlez>                 dialog --backtitle 'FreeBSD Installer' 
--infobox "Acquiring DHCP lease..." 0 0

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