>Number:         152894
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       bin: usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall - Fixes for pc-sysinstall with 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Dec 07 18:00:20 UTC 2010
>Originator:     Kris Moore
>Release:        9.0-Current
FreeBSD 9-Current
This fixes a few small issues in pc-sysinstall, relating to not wanting to use 
the "lagg" interface by default for wifi, as well as not using tmpfs for PC-BSD 
specific installs. 


Patch attached with submission follows:

diff -ruN src.o/usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall/backend/functions-cleanup.sh 
--- src.o/usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall/backend/functions-cleanup.sh   2010-12-07 
11:03:39.175621906 -0500
+++ src/usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall/backend/functions-cleanup.sh     2010-12-07 
11:09:57.718994760 -0500
@@ -233,7 +233,6 @@
     echo "procfs                       /proc                   procfs          
rw              0       0" >> ${FSTAB}
     echo "linprocfs            /compat/linux/proc      linprocfs       rw      
        0       0" >> ${FSTAB}
-    echo "tmpfs                                /tmp                    tmpfs   
        rw,mode=1777    0       0" >> ${FSTAB}
   # If we have a dedicated /boot, run the post-install setup of it now
diff -ruN src.o/usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall/backend/functions-networking.sh 
--- src.o/usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall/backend/functions-networking.sh        
2010-12-07 11:03:39.173615019 -0500
+++ src/usr.sbin/pc-sysinstall/backend/functions-networking.sh  2010-12-07 
11:08:39.178862859 -0500
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-# Function to get the first available wired nic, used for lagg0 setup
+# Function to get the first available wired nic, used for setup
   rm ${TMPDIR}/.niclist >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@
-# Function which simply enables plain dhcp on all detected nics, not fancy 
lagg interface
+# Function which simply enables plain dhcp on all detected nics
   rm ${TMPDIR}/.niclist >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
   # start by getting a list of nics on this system
@@ -111,57 +112,11 @@
-# Function which enables fancy lagg dhcp on specified wifi 
-  WIFINIC="$1"
-  # Get the first wired nic
-  get_first_wired_nic
-  LAGGPORT="laggport ${WIFINIC}"
-  echo "# Auto-Enabled NICs from pc-sysinstall" >>${FSMNT}/etc/rc.conf
-  if [ ! -z "$WIRENIC" ]
-  then
-    echo "ifconfig_${WIRENIC}=\"up\"" >> ${FSMNT}/etc/rc.conf
-    echo "ifconfig_${WIFINIC}=\"\`ifconfig ${WIRENIC} ether\`\"" >> 
-    echo "ifconfig_${WIFINIC}=\"ether \${ifconfig_${WIFINIC}##*ether }\"" >> 
-    LAGGPORT="laggport ${WIRENIC} ${LAGGPORT}"
-  fi
-  echo "wlans_${WIFINIC}=\"wlan0\"" >> ${FSMNT}/etc/rc.conf
-  echo "cloned_interfaces=\"lagg0\"" >> ${FSMNT}/etc/rc.conf
-  echo "ifconfig_lagg0=\"laggproto failover ${LAGGPORT} DHCP\"" >> 
-# Function which detects available nics, and runs them to DHCP on the
+# Function which detects available nics, and enables dhcp on them
-  rm ${TMPDIR}/.niclist >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-  # start by getting a list of nics on this system
-  ${QUERYDIR}/detect-nics.sh > ${TMPDIR}/.niclist
-  if [ -e "${TMPDIR}/.niclist" ]
-  then
-    while read line
-    do
-      NIC="`echo $line | cut -d ':' -f 1`"
-      DESC="`echo $line | cut -d ':' -f 2`"
-      check_is_wifi "${NIC}"
-      if [ "$?" = "0" ]
-      then
-        # We have a wifi device, lets do fancy lagg interface
-        enable_lagg_dhcp "${NIC}"
-        return
-      fi
-    done < ${TMPDIR}/.niclist 
-  fi
-  # Got here, looks like no wifi, so lets simply enable plain-ole-dhcp
-  enable_plain_dhcp_all
+  enable_dhcp_all

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