The patch submitted just before contained a bug.  Please disregard and
consider the following instead:

*** g_label.c   22 Jun 2010 08:17:20 -0000
--- g_label.c   18 Aug 2010 10:56:09 -0000
*** 136,141 ****
--- 136,161 ----
        return (1);
+ static int sanitation_level = 1;
+ SYSCTL_INT(_kern_geom_label, OID_AUTO, sanitation, CTLFLAG_RW,
+          &sanitation_level, 0,
+          "Correction applied to labels: 0 = replace '/'s only, 1 = '/' + 
whitespace and ctrls, 2 = '/' + anything but ASCII printables");
+ static void
+ sanitise_name (char *name)
+ {
+       char *p;
+       for (p = name; *p; ++p) {
+               if (*p == '/')
+                       *p = '#';
+               else if (sanitation_level > 0 && *p <= ' ')
+                       *p = '_';
+               else if (sanitation_level > 1 && *p > '~')
+                       *p = '#';
+       }
+ }
  static struct g_geom *
  g_label_create(struct gctl_req *req, struct g_class *mp, struct g_provider 
      const char *label, const char *dir, off_t mediasize)
*** 156,161 ****
--- 176,182 ----
        gp = NULL;
        cp = NULL;
        snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", dir, label);
+       sanitise_name(name + strlen(dir) + 1);
        LIST_FOREACH(gp, &mp->geom, geom) {
                pp2 = LIST_FIRST(&gp->provider);
                if (pp2 == NULL)

walter pelissero
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