--- Comment #77 from David Sebek <> ---
(In reply to Dani from comment #76)

Hello Dani,

The patch doesn't address all scenarios that may result in a system freeze. The
proper fix is in 13.0-STABLE and 14.0-CURRENT. See comment #66 for a short

There is one thing that came to my mind after seeing your results. I remember
that when I was debugging the problem, I created a KVM virtual machine with
multiple serial consoles connected to it. I found that:

- The boot loader uses the existing UEFI frame buffer to print all its output
until the "EFI framebuffer information" ending with the "masks ..." line. This
information was printed to all serial consoles.

- The boot loader then gives control over to the kernel, which uses its own
serial console configuration. It uses COM1 by default for the serial console.
The kernel's serial console output was therefore printed only to COM1.

In the case of my virtual machine, all information until the "EFI framebuffer
information" block was printed to all serial consoles, and the kernel output
that followed was printed only to COM1. Consoles other than COM1 didn't advance
past the "EFI framebuffer information", even though the system was running.

In your case, is the video/serial output properly set in the boot loader when
you boot the system? It may be possible that the kernel prints the output to a
wrong serial console or stops booting because it could not detect a serial
console on COM1? Did you try FreeBSD 13-STABLE to see if it boots?

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