Dear Sir 

My name is Hosney Ibrahim Osman, I am from Egypt 

Senior Operation Engineer more than 10 years working in ITfield 

I have suggestion related to how to increase number ofcompany using FreeBSD 

The issue which I already face in all company 

Corporate Alliance agreement with Microsoft for example todo everything related 

Client side (widows) – Server Side (Exchange – Active Directory…….. etc)

The most important thing is Support Contract between any companyand Microsoft 
for example 

So let me explain my suggestion 

Let’s go to the company and offer what we can do withsupport contract [which is 
very important thing related to Multinational Companies]

Let’s customize Operating System for multinational company tobe able to use in 
employee machine 

Let’s offer that we are able to make migration project fromall servers that use 
Linux or UNIX or Windows to FreeBSD 

Let’s gather requirement from customer prospective and dowhat are able to do 

FreeBSD is very powerful OS and we need to present who weare to other 

I know that what I say can be issue with your policy but wecan do the 
distribution for public and distribution for Enterprise and we willkeep the 
both updated for all thing 
when i say let's go that mean i can go to this companies in Egypt and offer 
that to them 
Note: i need to setup a business call for more explanation about local market 
in Egypt and what we can do together 

Thanks and Best RegardsHosney Osmanhosneyosman@yahoo.com002-01000640700

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