Jesus Christ, can you stop being such a complete faggot. People like you are 
causing a mockery of FreeBSD, which is now getting called "CuckBSD" by the very 
people you want to be using this OS. It's fucking embarrassing and has all but 
signaled to a majority of users that there is a preference for progressive 
decay over technical progress. Do you realize shit like does nothing but red 
pill normal, accepting individuals who truly just care about technical merit? 
You care creating the very enemies you seek. And you will ultimately lose. But 
please, keep insulting us.

Oh, mailed under your pseudonym account because we alt-right types like to 
stalk and harrass people.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:31 PM, Geheimnisse <> wrote:

>Received: from dunkelheit ([])
>From: Geheimnisse <>
>Subject: Re: FreeBSD has a politics problem
>Message-ID: <@dunkelheit>
>References: <> ><>
>In-Reply-To: <>
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.9.3 (2018-01-21)

>I really cannot wait until all of the people flipping their shit about the new 
>CoC go back to not tending to their neck hair and tipping their fedoras. Oh, 
>excuse me, trilby hats or whatever they may be.
>Seriously, the new CoC is the opposite of news. Unless you plan to harrass 
>others online, it will not affect you. Go back to doing whatever it is you 
>were doing before you went on this crusade. Nobody cares aside from a handful 
>of neckbeards, and nobody will care in a couple of weeks because it won't 
>affect anything.
>Mailed under an a pseudonym account because these alt-right types like to 
>stalk and harrass people.
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