On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Erik Nordstrøm <e...@nordstroem.no> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A few years back, The FreeBSD Mall was selling t-shirts with the
> FreeBSD bobble head prominently printed on them.
> I bought three of these t-shirts and given how much I enjoy
> using FreeBSD they are of course my favorite t-shirts.
> Over time, they have gotten worn and faded. That is to be expected.
> Unfortunatelly, The FreeBSD Mall has stopped selling these t-shirts
> and now the closest thing they have is one with a tiny little logo
> on it.
> Here are some photos of my t-shirts:
> - https://www.nordstroem.no/blob/62/46/fce1090-1254658.jpg
> - https://www.nordstroem.no/blob/2a/0b/5bf78dd-809070.jpg
> - https://www.nordstroem.no/blob/e7/85/0c159b5-1439319.jpg
> - https://www.nordstroem.no/blob/3c/71/160f5b9-1029852.jpg
> - https://www.nordstroem.no/blob/4e/86/63e2042-1338312.jpg
> Here is the closest thing that The FreeBSD Mall has in their shop now:
> - https://www.freebsdmall.com/cgi-bin/fm/bsdbobbleh?id=Kof6vI3n&mv_pc=247
> I figured that if I wrote The FreeBSD Mall directly about this,
> they probably would not want to bring back the original t-shirt
> just for the sake of one single person.
> So I am hoping that other people who wish to see this t-shirt
> will make their voice heard in this thread, and then we can
> contact The FreeBSD Mall and show them that there are several
> people who wants them to bring back the original t-shirt.

+1. I'd buy a couple on the spot.

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