On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 12:44:19PM -0500, Michael Shirk wrote:
> In the spirit of CapBUG, and the MetaBUG, if you have an interest in
> the BSD operating systems and would like to meetup with like minded
> people, come out to the Wits End Saloon in Timonium, MD on December
> 15th, 2015 at 6PM.
> The Wits End Saloon provides a wide variety of bourbons, whiskeys, and
> local area beers and is adjacent to the Magooby's Joke House Comedy
> Club. It is also "Taco Tuesday" with $2 tacos until 9PM.
> Look for "The Usual BSDs" t-shirt when arriving, the bar is not very
> big, and is pretty laid back. Hope to see you there.
> Wits End Saloon
> 9603 Deereco Rd
> Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
> --
> Michael Shirk
> Daemon Security, Inc.
> http://www.daemon-security.com

Count me in!

Shawn Webb

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